For all that is good in UO please GET RID OF GREATER DRAGONS AND DREAD MARES, this is SOOOOooOOOOOOOOooooo STUPID what is the point in PvP with Dragons and Horses that do 100 + dmg and can one shot kill people?
How about the fact you got people with no offense whatsoever leading shards in faction points!!
I ain't gonna quit im not that big of a p&SS but omg this is getting lame I have not died in the past year to anything but dragons and tamer ganks WTF where did PVP GO?!?!?!?!
PvP on UO is gone is all about tamers now no skills whatsoever!
How about the fact you got people with no offense whatsoever leading shards in faction points!!
I ain't gonna quit im not that big of a p&SS but omg this is getting lame I have not died in the past year to anything but dragons and tamer ganks WTF where did PVP GO?!?!?!?!
PvP on UO is gone is all about tamers now no skills whatsoever!