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Please DONT give me what i want

  • Thread starter Ryix (europa)
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Ryix (europa)

I know this wont be popular, but in the interest of the continuation of interest of uo, I BEG anyone listening.

For the love of god PLEASE stop listening to what players ask for... just ... stop... 100% ignore every request. Make the game HARD again, make it fun, restore the danger and community.

I'm sick of how easy this game has become, even the difficult aspects are easy.

You pandered to every whim and complaint, you added content we asked for.

I remember when i had a go on a free shard back before aos, i dyed EVERYTHING neon colours, i was so amazed at how great they were,, i added new items and impossible places then the novelty wore off... then you implemented that feeling on a wide scale, it wore off there too.. only there is no wipe command for osi...

The new meaning of a difficult monster basically means you have a chance to just outright die in a second, its not "oh if your not carefull you die" or "if your ignorant" you just die... without warning, theres no prevention of this fact.
But what does it even mean to die now? 5 seconds to get someone else to rez you on the same screen, insta loot your corpse, remount and your back. you lost some money, not even a chance of losing items. Your items damaged? dunno. have a look it takes a second, oh time to repair. Oh time to use powder of fort. No danger in anyway of losing that item.

As far as i can see, the bordom and ease of uo came about for one reason.

You all complained and the Devs listened.
You didnt like running everywhere and having to carry around lots of runes was cumbersome and a trouble to replace. Rune books added then blessed.

You tired of being pked when you were out playing, trammel added.

You got sick of people stealing from you, stealing nerfed to hell.

You got bored of the game and wanted a new system and new weapons and rares. A... O.... S

You didnt want to lose your new items anymore, isnraunce added fellucia nerfed to hell.

You wanted a reason to goto fel, resources doubled, scripting more rampant.

You wanted new content that was better than anything youd ever had, New artifact system created all origionality removed.

You wanted what he had for less effort. Doom revamped to give arties out every round.

Every Negative aspect of uo from my point of view has come around directly from a complaint of uo being too hard or inconvenient, or just stagnant.

The key to uo was never items, it was story, imagination, friendship, DANGER, risk, reward (non financial reward), fellowship. The new content is nice, i like that we are trying to revamp the game, but please, story is the way to go, new dungeons and monsters, challenges and event to an extent skills. But dont make me feel like the game is a chore.

The negative aspects i can pinpoint at the moment:
Risk- DEAD there is no risk, you lose neither items nor any degree of wealth.
Risk- All "negative karma" aspects nerfed, Thieves relegated to stealing items from the floor... items created with an ARTIFICIAL rarity and value. Because players didnt like being stolen off... WELL DUH?! i dont think it was put in to please the people that lost the fight there.
Risk- Pk's Relegated to a forgotten facet, the rules of their remaining home changed, their motives squelched and place in the game removed.
Risk- Horses!! and pets in general. Remember when you got sick and tired of your horse dying or being killed and that it took you 2 mins to go buy another one?... do you prefer that you have ethies and chargers? do you like that everyone can jump right back into a fight after 10 seconds of downtime? I do, but is it good for the game?
Risk- LRC

Play- Luck, Ugh, just another aspect of my hatred for items, and template imbalances.
Play- Powerscrolls, as much as i love the idea of a guild banding together to control an aspect of the game, (in an opposable way unlike traders) it saddens me to see that once a new guild rises to power, it only succeeds in taking the exact same role as the previous one, there is no good champ hunter guild that sells scrolls for a reasonable rate, or encourages teamwork with people outside their community and protects the weak, only new guilds that wish to assume the power and wealth. again, really just an aspect of items and their value and requirement. who needs wealth if you dont need to buy anything?

Variety- I love variety, i like that people can make their own style in uo, this was beautifully extended with the addition of new mounts, llamas and ostards, but now everyones on an ethy,, or charger, or swampy. when was the last time you saw someone on a regular llama?
variety- Neon hair! oh what a rarity that used to be.
Variety- Neon clothes! Ugh!
Variety- templates oh my oh my the number of templates that were all viable, tank mages, mags, wrestle mages, archers, MACERS! remember when a macer was a horrible opponent because you had to go repair! lol
Variety- Rares!! remember when things were rare! not because they were new or because they only spawned so often, but beacause they were only available once or twice, or were just really stupidly hard to find. Black sandles! phoenix armor!

Community- ANTI-PKS, remember them!?! guilds dedicated to protection of towns and communities, not just their own but others, for reward? no... for the FUN of the game, the thrill of the fight. Pking without the intention of griefing. THE PLAYER CREATED SOLUTION TO RISK! we didnt need a magical new world where harm cannot be caused...
Community- Crafting fundamentally nerfed and changed by aos, it was never brought into line, and was never kept as difficult enough that not everyone had a blacksmith/tailor/fletching/carpentry/alchemy/inscription char forcing players to communicate.
Community- Trading *shudder* i loathe "traders" with every fiber of my being i hate them. This game has no place for traders, there is a reason they arrived ONLY after aos (before that there were only rare dealers) many people i know have become multi billionaires in less than a year just by having connections and buying/selling and setting prices among the elite, artificially inflating value of items.
Community- Factions. Nothing further to say
Community- Order/chaos
Community- Treasure hunters, i can do a level 6 map solo... its no longer a fun event for all my friends, just a lonely chore for myself with little reward(fun) or risk.
Community- Crafting, Im not even kidding, many a night did i stand in by a forge in glow talking away the small hours with fellow smiths, firstly training alongside other smiths (barian, blacksmithdude and many more) and then again the same people as i equipped my guild with armor for no benefit other than a sense of purpose.
Community- Greed has killed all teamwork, ALL teamwork, your guild probably disbands still before the end of a peerless.. why? so that luck dictates who gets what before need? You have guilds, yet. you trust them so little? are they truly even a guild? a community at heart? are you even aware of your fellow guildies personalities? do they just fill the role when needed of someone to hunt with? is there no friendship or trust there?

The list is invariably infinate, almost every aspect of uo has become vile and bitter. I love the game and i love its possibilities yet i see so many people grabbing at items. For what? i am not guilt free of this, i too feel the need to obtain every new quest item, i do this off my own back and do my best not to let it overshadow my playstyle and general manners.

I simply collect these items to say "i was there" in a few years, will i remember it as a fun event as i do the events of old? the events where i spent most of the time reconnecting after lagging out, and have no item to show for it... or will i simply say "oh hey that item.. whered it come from again? oohh yeah that event that time... man that was alot of work i put in for it"

Along time ago, before aos. a gm, or seer, or somebody with power popped into moonglow bank, "i require aid quickly!!" he stated and jumped through a gate, a small island had become over-run with undead, there was a storyline of which i remember little, i remember it had something todo with a dead guy :p basically after an hour or so of killing liches and skeletons and the such and having died and returned many times with almost my entire arsenal of silver weapons the event finished, the gm gave out some treasure maps for fel and everyone left. I then made the huge mistake of doubel clicking a purple pot, i got guard whacked and lost the map. It sucked, but i remember that more fondly than the destruction of mag, or the corruption of yew, Because i wasnt there to see what i could get, just to see what was going on and if i could be a part of it.

Im sure you all have your own stories of previous events you enjoyed, i doubt anyone truely loves uo as it is now, the way we all used to. You may enjoy collecting your items, but ask yourself why.

Again the game will never be the same, but i hope the devs will give us what we need to love the game again, not what we ask for. Sure i want a fully blessed suit of armor with maxed stats and the ability to fly and never take damage, but do i want you to give it to me and everyone else?! god no... id rather you took away my horse.

Bring back the risk, Bring back the fun, Bring back my game. (or at least stop giving me what i want!)



I don't think theres anything wrong with listening to players, I just think the results they come up with to allay the community outcry are bad ones a lot of the time.

But more over you are right, the developers need to listen, but they need to design the game, not let us design it. Because we all know there are too many voices, and no matter what no one will be happy, so they need to be the ones making the choices.


I agree with some of what your said...

But I will offer you this hypothetical, you die in UO, your char you worked up to GM whatever is DEAD... DEAD. You start out with a newb. All your stuff is gone. Every day your house is emptied and sold to others. Whoops now your house is inhabited by PKpWnerIZOr and he kills your newb char and chops you body up.

And every day its the same sheet, how long will you play for? Dont lie now...

Risk you wanted... right? no?

How much risk? Ahhh... Now we see... Just enough risk for "you"

EDIT: And I always ask this, why does everyones "risk" involve losing monetary value? Answer? Because the OP wants to make a monetary gain? Hmmmm... Good for the game or greed? With the scalpers that plague UO this would be foolish imho

I agree with alot of what you said, but some of the changes WERE needed, just because of this simple fact... It is much easier to be evil than good.

They need to make changes for sure, alot of stuff IS to easy and boring, but you have to have the "bunny" run on the ski-hill or nobody will try.

So my point is this... Instead of trying to force everyone to play the game YOU want to play, ask the DEV's to add what you want to the game for you to enjoy.

If it is so great, everyone will try it and join you in your fun.

And PS... How can you complain about the devs pandering to everyones whim, and then demand they pander to your whims? ?


If you want the game to be harder, there's nothing preventing you from making it harder on yourself. I have my own pet handicaps, based on what I do and don't find fun. And character death still appears to matters ... otherwise you wouldn't have people crying "nerf!".

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know what used to be cool about old UO? Going out of town and fearing for your life. PKs hiding, waiting outside your house/boat, running through dungeons.. that thief waiting to steal your boat key, NOT being able to have any lockdowns in houses, AOL 3.5 w/ a 28.8 connection (lol), no widespread UOA, scripts or cheating, the best weapon avaliable was somthing 'indestructable' of 'vanquishing', blue-robed counselors, green-robed seers, T2A was the 'final frontier'. stealth, meditation, focus, ninjitsu, bushido, necromancy, chivalry, spellweaving... yea right... there was somthing else too.. oh yea, people playing the game.

Make it your mission to introduce a RL friend into the world of UO.. Three months later tell him its his turn to do the same.

Chango Pelon


Jesus what is it with the SnR shove offs?!

[/ QUOTE ]

To be fair the OP did end with "[/rant] " so it was doomed to spiels and rants from the get go...


Yeah, and so have like 50 other threads from Uhall that didnt get moved...

I mean what threads on uhall ARENT rants. You would be better off making a forum for those. hah


Wow. Well said.

In tend to operate around the notion that there is a "majority" of players that drive change towards some sort of game where only the extremes of playstyles are encouraged, and that items are the only end here.

I think there is a sort of unspoken "caste system" here- where certain playstyles gain the most attention, and the rest of us are relegated to subordination. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and when we speak of imbalances, it's this majority that squelches out the opposing ideas, which in turn suffocates and standardizes the playerbase.

If you want an idea of what I'm referring to- consider the 12+ page threads for petitions that seem so wholeheartdely supported, versus the one page change threads for an "opposing" playstyle.

Cut it any way you want...PvP versus non PvP versus RP...mage classes versus dexxer classes versus thief classes...there is an unspoken caste system here that no one is ever allowed to confront head on.

But oh well. I sort of enjoy being a second-class citizen.

I am Jack's random post.

- Hec


Wow. Well said.

In tend to operate around the notion that there is a "majority" of players that drive change towards some sort of game where only the extremes of playstyles are encouraged, and that items are the only end here.

I think there is a sort of unspoken "caste system" here- where certain playstyles gain the most attention, and the rest of us are relegated to subordination. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and when we speak of imbalances, it's this majority that squelches out the opposing ideas, which in turn suffocates and standardizes the playerbase.

If you want an idea of what I'm referring to- consider the 12+ page threads for petitions that seem so wholeheartdely supported, versus the one page change threads for an "opposing" playstyle.

Cut it any way you want...PvP versus non PvP versus RP...mage classes versus dexxer classes versus thief classes...there is an unspoken caste system here that no one is ever allowed to confront head on.

But oh well. I sort of enjoy being a second-class citizen.

I am Jack's random post.

- Hec