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[Fishing] Please clear a few questions up for me


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a few questions that maybe some of you can help me with.

1. When im crab/lobster fishing, the longer i leave the traps in the water, the more crabs or lobsters i get in the trap. The question is, when i get the second or 3rd crab/lobster in the trap, do they have a higher chance at being a rare or named?

2. When im lobster/crab fishing, i tend to stick in one area and each run seems random on what I get. Does and area "dry out" like when pole fishing or does each trap have the same chance at getting a rare or named crabs/lobsters with each drop.

Thanks for any input ..

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Answer to question 1 is yes the longer you leave traps out the better chance to pull up a rare crustacean. Traps can hold up to 5 crustaceans so if you are after rare ones let them soak approximately 10 mins. Yes you lose about half your traps. As for question 2, no spots do not "fish out" it is random types and spend as long as you like in one area going for the rare crustaceans. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

Lord Aphid/ The Albatross LS


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks , that confirms what I thought anyway. I just didnt want to lose a ton of traps if my chances were just as good at simply running traps faster..

Two minutes ago i got my 3rd stone crab and my second today. On all 3 occasions, i had 3 crabs in the pot. Never got a single rare by itself. Thanks for the confirmation..


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is true for the rare like stone etc but if you are after the named and you dont mind the EXTRA clicks your best bet is letting them set 1 min then pulling them !


this is true for the rare like stone etc but if you are after the named and you dont mind the EXTRA clicks your best bet is letting them set 1 min then pulling them !
