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Player run towns


Seasoned Veteran
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Are there any out there looking for a new home owner to join there comunity??
I am a returning player looking to get into a good comunity


Stratics Veteran
PGoH is always looking for good aligned chars to come RP with us. We also have our own player run town, Olympus.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It all depends on if you are looking for an RP or non RP town Chuck. There are many fine areas to live and towns to choose from. I suggest you visit several and choose the area and town that fits your play style.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Re: Player ruined town

I first read it as player Ruined towns.
That's how you would pronounce runed or close to it, he probably meant Ran and just didn't think over grammar but I think Ruined is more apt, plus I couldn't pass up the chance for some minor trolling.

That being said Despite what anyone says on Catskills everyone of the towns basically isolate themselves from each other I haven't seen any player interaction that has led to anything more than "Hey what's up" in I don't know how long. And this is not for a lack of trying I've ridden around each night to the basic towns at least 4 days a week including the days that are supposed to be busy. And lately even the tavern nights are slow. I'm not even going to point fingers here and just keep this a general statement. That being said none of this is an exaggeration and if anyone says it's a lie they are lying, or in denial.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Player ruined town

That's how you would pronounce runed or close to it, he probably meant Ran and just didn't think over grammar but I think Ruined is more apt, plus I couldn't pass up the chance for some minor trolling.

That being said Despite what anyone says on Catskills everyone of the towns basically isolate themselves from each other I haven't seen any player interaction that has led to anything more than "Hey what's up" in I don't know how long. And this is not for a lack of trying I've ridden around each night to the basic towns at least 4 days a week including the days that are supposed to be busy. And lately even the tavern nights are slow. I'm not even going to point fingers here and just keep this a general statement. That being said none of this is an exaggeration and if anyone says it's a lie they are lying, or in denial.
No, it is absolutely true Scarst. Most folks are either off doing things in life or have simply become self concerned or apathetic, Myself included.

I find the past weeks have left me with little to no interest in UO, and the few hours a week I may spend in game are mostly spent in a dungeon or working on my house.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Edit: "Mamma always said if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all..." ~ Thumper
The thing is Phaen it needed to be said everyone is always saying some crap about something going on that never actually happened and was just planned and abandoned. I believe telling the truth to someone is better than being caught in a giant lie. Or better yet lying then acting like there are plans doing something small then just falling off the face of the world once you've roped someone in. Again these are general statements and those that they apply to know who they are and if they don't there probably in denial.

While I could have probably said nothing and just left it I've seen so many of these threads and they've all followed the same pattern.


1.) Returning or new player asks about activity on the shard and sometimes states interest in RP.

2.) The same few people throw in there guilds Spiel.

3.) If Person hadn't said what he/she was interested in they state it in a new post.

4.) Certain people from step 2 post contact info and location in game where to find them.

5.) Original person states either that they have joined one of the guilds that gave a spiel or They aren't heard from again.

6.) If person joins one of the spiel guilds there is a very likely chance they aren't seen a month from joining.
And I have seen this about five times, There is a bigger issue than player base that needs to be looked at before recruiting even seems feasible.

(I know this looks like a thread hi-jack and it kinda is but it's on topic hi-jacking)

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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*Pulls out his hijack tool kit*

Someone said please hijack this thread? :p

Back on topic.....
Your best bet would be to visit each player run town and interact with them. Once you do that you will be able to tell which one you would like to live in.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Pulls out his hijack tool kit*

Someone said please hijack this thread? :p

Back on topic.....
Your best bet would be to visit each player run town and interact with them. Once you do that you will be able to tell which one you would like to live in.

Now that was a great hi-jack.