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Player run towns



Are there any player run towns that are active here???

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aegis -first clearing south of the Yew Trammel Gate
Olympus-Trinsic area
Istas-Mountains of Luna
Freehold of Roses-Mountains of Luna
Silverwood-West of Aegis
Not sure of the name, but Pandora's guild has a town


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
CoD Territories

Vamp’s Lair
Our Player Ran City, comprised of all custom, privately owned houses. There are a total of 7 establishments all with their own hours of operations. Our tavern, the Bloody Brew, is open on Mondays (Member’s Only) and Thursdays (All RP’ers) at 9 PM EST.

This NPC city is our base of operations, we hold ourselves as protectorants of the city and its people. We often hold grand RP events here, at the Necromantic Amphitheatre, in addition to the Umbra Street Fair once a year. We also hold two player-ran establishments right out of the West Bridge of Umbra… the Trade Center and the Grand Ballroom.

South Jhelom
Our newest acquisition, this is the headquarters of our Import/Export operations and where CoD holds its naval fleet. We use pre-existing buildings as part of our Role Play, and these include the Trade Offices, the Performing Arts Center (which we’re working on scripts to adapt at the moment), as well as the South Port (the docks).

Trinsic Hold (Felucca)
This was actually a re-acquisition of our history. Where we once held the Death Tower — formerly known as the Spirit Tower — renamed after the desceration of the shrines by Minax, now stands under CoD’s control once again, the Blood Stadium. It is where most of our up and coming PvP tournaments and events will be held.

Adolphus Wilhiem

Ive walked around to several and they are all empty every time I go to any of them. I been going to other shards for RP.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We have a small community, much of which are mature folks with day jobs, families, kids, etc. So a lot of our events are scheduled so that folks know when and where to go. As such, I wouldn't say there is 24/7 RP going on every day within the game... but more sporatically throughout the week.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pandora stated it correctly. The RP community is not as large as it once was, and many of us, due to real life issues have reduced time in game.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The town of Darkwater is on the western edge of "The Fens Of The Dead" in Felucca, Catskills. This township is almos exactly halfway between Trinsic and Britain and directly south of Marble Island.

Our main houses there were all placed in Feburary of 1999. We now have 20+ buildings there. Almost our entire guild is based in this town, with more purchasing homes from other players as they become available.

We use this town, mostly, as a center for meeting. We have a central hub that is where we launch almost all of our guild activities from. This hub is linked to our Yew houses, Luna, and also will easily get us to any major spot in the game in which our guild participates.

We don't get much "press" because we aren't a RP guild and also because the town is in Fel, but I can assure you we are very active.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The town of Darkwater is on the western edge of "The Fens Of The Dead" in Felucca, Catskills. This township is almos exactly halfway between Trinsic and Britain and directly south of Marble Island.

Our main houses there were all placed in Feburary of 1999. We now have 20+ buildings there. Almost our entire guild is based in this town, with more purchasing homes from other players as they become available.

We use this town, mostly, as a center for meeting. We have a central hub that is where we launch almost all of our guild activities from. This hub is linked to our Yew houses, Luna, and also will easily get us to any major spot in the game in which our guild participates.

We don't get much "press" because we aren't a RP guild and also because the town is in Fel, but I can assure you we are very active.
Lykor, is this where Bear Point was? I remember BP very fondly, I had such great times there way back in the day, as Lace knows. I'll be requesting a tour!!! :)