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Player Run Towns


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Auto and I are now in the boat with a bunch of other crazy people and are going to be doing our best to recognize you player run towns. How will we be doing this? Well….

Firstly you need to qualify and to do so you need a few things,

1) Buildings
5-10 Village/Hamlet
11-20 Town
21-30 City
31+ Kingdom/Empire/City-State

2) An active community.

Simple right? ^_^

So you are now qualified to get recognized as a town, now the hard part comes… We need to meet up with you and talk, and see the locations and verify that your numbers are correct, and that there is houses. (IE. You say you have 38 people but really only have 21)
Next we need you to find a lovely open spot and design a banner, now you need to be sure that this wont block major housing placement, and that it is rather small, no building a tower as your banner. Some examples can be seen here… http://www.uoherald.com/news/news.php?newsid=1025 and here! http://www.uoherald.com/news/news.php?newsid=1024

Now you have finished your banner so you need to contact us, Make sure you contact both of us, since this is a slow process if you don’t it can become a lot longer.

[email protected] and [email protected]

Also if you have feedback about this please let us know :)