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Player run events in Fel? - READ FIRST POST BEFORE CHOOSING!!!

Which event would you like to have in Felucca?

  • Pet fights - from battle chicken lizards to greater dragons!

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • PvP God League - individualized league with a purse!

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Nakid Brawls Shannara Style!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Story Night as only can be done in Felucca

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Former Stratics Publisher
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Pet Events
Where you get to pit your dragon Fluffy against someone else's dragon! Or Battle Chicken Lizard, or anything of the sort. May turn into tournaments if enough interest is generated.

PvP God League
A 6-month league to say you ARE the Napa PvP god! Complete with leader board, points, and entry fees which go directly into the pot for the top 3 winners of the league!

Nakid Brawls
Your standard nakid brawl... as in the Shannara days. :)

Story Nights
As they can only be done in Felucca... The Red Eye Tavern revisited - sans the godling blessings.

So... would you guys be interested in Player-run events in Felucca? I know everyone just has a blast with factions and Yew battles, but how about some spice? Something new that you all can contribute to and participate in which is marshaled by a neutral party (me). Who knows, I might get back into pvp again myself... its been sooooooo long tho, since the bounty days. heh

Pic your fave from the list and the one with the most votes by the end of the poll will be the type of event I start with. Leave any comments, wishes, insults and such what not in the thread and I will respond as my holiday obligations allow. I plan on starting whatever up with the new year.... so pick fast, eh?


Former Stratics Publisher
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please just pick one and that is what I'll start with.

Will be starting up in January... location yet to be determined.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Had to go with the naked bar brawl, it's been ages since I have been to one. From what I remember there was 20 plus drunk roudy naked players all killing each other. Was a blast.

Kinda makes me wonder if it is still do able though. Couple withers or area effect weopons would kill everybody in seconds.


Former Stratics Publisher
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Ahh... but that is the thing!

I have a snooper to ensure everyone is truely nakid!

Then the contestants will be let into the arena

There will be all kinds of stuff (mostly GM made, regs of some sort, and what not) that will be scattered about the arena or all in containers which you cannot see the contents..

When given the order, grab what you can to survive!

NOTHING can be in a players' pak before they enter the arena... and that includes rune books! Seriously, no bandies, no spell books, no rune books, no blessed items.

Participants come in the buff. Truly NAKID! nada - zippo - empty - NAKID!

It then turns into a contest of skill and ingenutity. :)

The only thing a player will have will be his/her wits, skills, and experience - if they have any. That was the first type of brawl I ever participated in back in Shannara... and I loved it. I remember one of these a tailor won! Great fun!


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bump - last day of voting!


Former Stratics Publisher
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place your votes!

Fel arena is just about done now... looking forward to some hellatious fighting there!


Former Stratics Publisher
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ok... Nakid brawl it is!

House will be completed and the inaugural event posted soon. ^.^

five oclock

Bump...just for the heck of it..

Ok its been awhile since I did a brawl. Whats the best stats to have for a brawl? :p