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player run event ideas


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what are some ideas out there for player run events (or maybe an EM will pick up on this)? lets get some thoughts down and see if we can get some community fun going :) here are some ideas i had:

group treasure hunt - via my fetish with dragon hunting i have acquired quite a few maps. i bag them up and sell them on one of my vendors, but i have often thought about what its like to be there when the chest is opened. im not interested right now in training up a treasure hunter, but if one were to lead a party with some provided maps it may end up being a fun little adventure!

beowulf challenge - this one is the most exciting to me. the concept is... in your skivvies, trek into a cave and kill something big (or die trying). no armor, shield, or pets (not summoned either). just you, your melee weapon (maybe provided like the archery tourney?), jewelry (no resists allowed), pots, and your magical talents. challenged monitored/screenshots by stealthed player (or EM). what is reasonable here im not sure. never tried it :) i would love to see this one run by an EM. start with an empty mining cave (maybe the one up from Britain?) and let them spawn the creature to be killed for each player. maybe make it more of a tourney and start small (ettin) and progress (drake, dragon, etc)?

dungeon apocalypse - get a group together, pick a dungeon (difficulty based on attendees), and lay waste to everything in it

hunt the beast - pick a legendary creature, get a party together, and go kill it :)

big brother (or sister) - get some elder players to team up with one or more young/inexperienced players to show them some ropes. see lots of advertising in New Haven for this.

the great streak - get a large group together and streak across Britannia (the entire continent) in your skivvies!

just some thoughts... i bet there are some great ideas out there :) lets put them down!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been thinking about a last man standing pvp event. Once I get a good spot to hold it I will get it going. I'm going to be putting up 100mil for the 1st and only prize. Deciding now if it should be only gm items or an everything goes event. I'm kind of leaning towards anything goes. Any input from all the pvper's is welcome.


Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been thinking about a last man standing pvp event. Once I get a good spot to hold it I will get it going. I'm going to be putting up 100mil for the 1st and only prize. Deciding now if it should be only gm items or an everything goes event. I'm kind of leaning towards anything goes. Any input from all the pvper's is welcome.

you could always ask the EM's for use of there Fel tavern if you cant find anything else


When is someone going to get a player ran auction setup on Napa? Their always fun to go to wether you buy anything or not.

Salya Sin

As long as the event is within the reporter guidelines... drop me a message and I'll throw it up on the home stratics page and then try to show and report!

Player events are awesome... it's time to get Napa going in that direction again!

Good thread Tirrag!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
check the Napa events forum for my first player run event! when it gets approved anyways :)