And time for match 4...
The league at the moment looks like this,
3 Points : Richard, Gladiator, Valoria's Own Liza, Roger
2 Points : Featherstorm, Goldie Locks
1 Point : Sanguine, Pinkie, Wind, Attilla the Hen, Ruby
Only a third of the way into the season of 12 games, so still all to play for - come along to watch, bet on the fights, and chat - all welcome, as ever the matches begin at 8 PM UK time, at the O*T Arena Zento!

The league at the moment looks like this,
3 Points : Richard, Gladiator, Valoria's Own Liza, Roger
2 Points : Featherstorm, Goldie Locks
1 Point : Sanguine, Pinkie, Wind, Attilla the Hen, Ruby
Only a third of the way into the season of 12 games, so still all to play for - come along to watch, bet on the fights, and chat - all welcome, as ever the matches begin at 8 PM UK time, at the O*T Arena Zento!