Match three of season 7, as always, at the O*T Arena, West of Zento, at 8PM UK time
Current league standings are :
2 Points : Featherstorm, Richard, Gladiator, Valoria's Own Liza, Roger
1 Point : Goldie Locks, Sanguine, Pinkie, Wind.
Everyone welcome to watch, bet, and chat - there's still time for any new fighters to have a decent chance at the title too, we've never had any champion win more than ten games in any season (which is always 12 games long), just remember Trammel rules mean we need you to join the ECL Guild for the evening so your pet can fight one of ours!

Current league standings are :
2 Points : Featherstorm, Richard, Gladiator, Valoria's Own Liza, Roger
1 Point : Goldie Locks, Sanguine, Pinkie, Wind.
Everyone welcome to watch, bet, and chat - there's still time for any new fighters to have a decent chance at the title too, we've never had any champion win more than ten games in any season (which is always 12 games long), just remember Trammel rules mean we need you to join the ECL Guild for the evening so your pet can fight one of ours!