Seventh match of the season, Monday 21st November, as ever 8 PM UK time at the O*T arena in Zento!
Sixth match was an evening of incredibly close fights, with three newcomers making their mark and getting on to the leaderboard!
5 Points : Grimgerde
4 Points : Lethal Weapon
3 Points : Noir, Siegrune, Boadicea, Sky
2 Points : White Coffee, Camo, Yin, Wimpy
1 Point : Shadow, Dopey, MissMarple, Frosty, TuurdWhacker (who I usually settle for calling 'Whacker' but she gets her full name on the scorecard
), Lazy, Newbie
New owners, new fighters, new gamblers in the audience, and several old friends returning made Match 6 a memorable evening - come along and see if Match 7 keeps the trend running, the fights should be close but if you can spot a winner, you might find it's the night you win all our money!
And to help folks who get caught out my my hopelessly disorganised late posts ... the season schedule from here on to the final 12th match is :
21 November
5 December
19 December
9 January
23 January
6 February

Sixth match was an evening of incredibly close fights, with three newcomers making their mark and getting on to the leaderboard!
5 Points : Grimgerde
4 Points : Lethal Weapon
3 Points : Noir, Siegrune, Boadicea, Sky
2 Points : White Coffee, Camo, Yin, Wimpy
1 Point : Shadow, Dopey, MissMarple, Frosty, TuurdWhacker (who I usually settle for calling 'Whacker' but she gets her full name on the scorecard
New owners, new fighters, new gamblers in the audience, and several old friends returning made Match 6 a memorable evening - come along and see if Match 7 keeps the trend running, the fights should be close but if you can spot a winner, you might find it's the night you win all our money!
And to help folks who get caught out my my hopelessly disorganised late posts ... the season schedule from here on to the final 12th match is :
21 November
5 December
19 December
9 January
23 January
6 February