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Platinum Drakes first round of training


Stratics Veteran
Hey everyone. I'm pretty new to the taming world, and just got my drake full progress for its first round of training. Does anyone have info on what the min skill to move from 2 to 3 slots with these guys is?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To initialize the Pet Training Progress, you'd need 85.0 animal taming skill - that's the 'thing' called "Requirement" on the animal lore gump ... as soon as you'd trained up to 3-slots, you'd need 108.0 taming skill to proceed further ...
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Stratics Veteran
Ahhhh. Thank you for confirming! Is it a consistent increase across all pets then? Or is a different rate for different species?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In this case here, there's only 'consistency' among the crimson and platinum drakes - other pets also get increasing requirements but 'rates' may be different.


Stratics Veteran
I see. Thanks for the clarification. Last question (for now): does this skill increase occur only one time, or at each stage?

Ultimately I suppose it doesn't matter, as I plan to cap at 120 for vet, tame, and lore....eventually. Just trying to get a sense of what I'm in for =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You definitely WANT to have 108.0! Some pets, that begin as 1-slotters, get the "requirement increase" in more than one stage up to the mentioned 108.0. Some pets reach the 108 requirement in one 'step'.


Stratics Veteran
Oh excellent. I've got my eye on a lore scroll (110) for now. That will put me at 110 tame/lore. So if I understand I should be able to continue training at this point? (Without having to further increase my skill cap?)