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[Gardening] Pitchers & Magic Waves

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I just have one simple question on these....

Is there any limit to how many times you can fill a pitcher from a magic wave?

Lord Drakelord

well I would have to say no, the one I am using to water my plants says it has 800 uses left and I went to refill it on a begging run at our mage tower on Sonoma, it has a wave I use. Got a UOA macro just for it.


Where and how does yours say it has uses? Mine sure doesn't.

Flora Green

Open your journal. Each time you use the pitcher on the plant gump it will tell you in your journal how many uses you have left. :)


That's one of the improvements Sakkarah made in the last 3 months or so for Gardeners... very nice that we can click on the water pitcher now and it finds the water and tells us how many more uses there are.

Thanks Sak!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mine has 7,418 uses left, so if there is a limit... its pretty high

Flora Green

Expanding on my post in another thread regarding me only receiving 5 fills per click, have any of you filled your pitchers recently? I'm wondering if it's just the Origin tiles that aren't working.


Flora, that's the only way they have ever worked for me. The bonus is you can click it hundreds of times, each time increasing the count by 5. On normal water tiles you can only fill the pitcher once for 5 charges and repeated clicks do nothing.

Flora Green

I should have clarified, I have actually gotten more than 5 per click before. I think it was 20? I know, because I tested it and counted the number of pours. However, I have no idea how long ago that was and had though it was changed back to 5. So, nm me. :) Must have just been a bug at one time. Thanks Beastmaster.


Just to do a quick hijack, if you use a pitcher with lets say 3201 uses left in the solen matriarch quest it will go empty. But hey, the quest chain link for that will be done........


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just to do a quick hijack, if you use a pitcher with lets say 3201 uses left in the solen matriarch quest it will go empty. But hey, the quest chain link for that will be done........
So... If there are more than 8 uses in a jug, I can complete the quest with that one jug?