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[Fishing] Pissed at Fishmonger reward RNG

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been doing this grind for months and the rewards random generator is borked, and today's example really pissed me off. I had turned in one a few quests ago that was 120 points and got the elusive void lobster bait( first pull after over 300 quests). So when I went to turn in the 140 point quest (crab, deep water fish, shallow water fish, 3 dungeon fish), and received a cup of 100 Great Barracuda bait, I blew a gasket. I'm not asking to get lava lobster bait, but someone needs to look into this system, and soon, The reward calculator was programmed by someone with an evil streak in them!!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*pokes you towards the sticky at the top: I WANT YER FISHIN' RESULTS!*

You'd have a much stronger case against the loot table if we could prove our problem with it. From the results I've managed to get together so far, I'm pretty sure that Rare Fish Bait appears all the way to the cap... I've had it at a 160 points result too. As for Void Lobster, once in 700 I'm afraid. I did catch the first (I think) but someone had to donate it to me to use on my traps due to the silly odds. But still... add your results to the document so we can prove just how ridiculous it is and we can perhaps get it changed!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Handing them in is very, very easy... You don't need to be in the port, just cross the server lines to the sub-server the port is on;

Park North-West of Bucs den then, and you can reach all of them except Moonglow and Sea Market in a few seconds. It's just fishing up what is required that can take a while...


Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does that matter? One finds fun in this game where he/she chooses, some sit at the bank to show off their leet gear, some inhabit yew fel gate for reasons unknown, I fish among other endeavors. Some even troll the depths of stratics and find that fun, just saying.
Well said, LL... ;)

Mad Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello! I used to do this cross server line n turn in fish quests n accept new ones... But I reciently came back and it seems to ONLY allow me to accept 1 fishing quest at once from BRIT Quest guy... And after I deliver the fish I gotta go back to BRIT guest guy to get a new quest... Am I glitched or did they change the game?? Can anyone else still accept multipule fishing quests at once??


Each fishmonger will only give you one quest at a time. You can easily have multiple quests but you need to collect from each town.

Mad Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Each fishmonger will only give you one quest at a time. You can easily have multiple quests but you need to collect from each town.
I got a quest(in brit) to turn in fish to Skara... I go to skara turn in fish and I cannot accept a new quest from the Skara Quest guy... The guy in skara tells me I am already on a quest n to finish it before I talk to him... Maybe im glitched

Mad Tamer

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok UPDATE! I looked in my current quest logs... It seems to think I already have quests from most of the fishing quest guys... I will cancel the quests since I dont even have that boat anymore... It must have saved all my quests from when I stopped playing and I lost the boxes but I still have the quests... Its gonna hurt my standing with the quest guys tho...


I got a quest(in brit) to turn in fish to Skara... I go to skara turn in fish and I cannot accept a new quest from the Skara Quest guy... The guy in skara tells me I am already on a quest n to finish it before I talk to him... Maybe im glitched
How many quest boxes are in your ship's hold? Just the one from Brit? It sounds like you probably have multiple boxes and already have one from Skara.