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EM Event Pirates, Parrots and Booty 1-25-2014 @ 7 PM PST


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor

Rubbing the tangled and matted beard, the one known as Longbeard chuckled to himself.
"Those fools..took the gold right from under their own eyes we did".
The plan of sending in his crew to get the citizens protecting the coast lines and governor,s had worked.
So it had cost the lives of many of his crew, there was always more interested in signing on to the life of a pirate, he thought with a heartless shrug of his shoulders. In fact, his crew had already grown bigger and badder than before.
He had the perfect hiding place for his crew..it had seen action before, but was long forgotten. No one would think to search him out..or the gold and treasures he had looted from the cities.
"They thought I were goin' fer the Gov's and the banks were a easy mark. 'Specially when one o' ye own were planted in the bank as a pidegon!"
He had heard rumbles coming from the towns folk..how they would hunt him down and take revenge. He took up his blade, the skull and crossbones adorning the hilt, glistening in the glow of the fire. "Jest let 'em try", he thought and gave a hearty laugh, "jest let 'em try".

Event: Pirates, Parrots and Booty
Date: 1/25/14
Time: 7pm pst
Meet: West Britain Bank Tram