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Rand Al

Someone asked me to post my ping again cause they do not believe me it sucks. Forgot who it was someone from supr i so here it is again. it is a good day 83 with one packet loss normal is 120 with no packet loss which is better packet loss sucks :(




exactly like mine, rand. your paint skills suck, btw. stick to helicopters! :thumbsup:

Rand Al

exactly like mine, rand. your paint skills suck, btw. stick to helicopters! :thumbsup:
I just wanted to cover up who i talk to and my conversation with one cause it is no ones business no paint skills needed for that. No one matches your paint skills sooooo yea you win paint!
I guess that supr guy that was all like your a lier everyone post your pings mine is the worst and you all cant kill me bla bla bla ect is not going to do it typical supr now days all talk all lies.
If you do come back you should start a new guild because supr has turned into another M/T.

Rand Al

Never seen anyone blank out where they were pinging to lol. Everyone knows pacific servers ip! I wish i was in the 30s :(

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Protip: If you want to get a more accurate ping you can add -n (any number)

for instance:


Rand Al

Protip: If you want to get a more accurate ping you can add -n (any number)
Yea it may change the average a bit and move the packet loss a bit but it will still be close cause out of that 20 take any 4 in a row and your average will be with in like 5


Or you can just let it ping till you tell it to stop. To do this, add -t to the command. For instance "ping -t pacific.owo.com" Ctrl + C to stop it. This allows you to see packet loss more accurately. Also, you can monitor any trends in you ping.