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Budweiser KDL

Oh is that A corpse of Budwizer The one Who never Dies To a Trammy!! hmmm i guess trammy wins! that days
My char is nowhere in that pic.. idiot as for the OP yes your pic shows me dead. to bad Air Head was the one who killed me. Try and show a pic of you earning the gold and points in your journal. thanks for trying. JBM duel? mage or dex? mills? Ill pay broker fee's big guy.

And how old is that pic of the W@R guild anyways? Two, three years old?
Maybe your drunk irl?

Jonny boy mccoy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My char is nowhere in that pic..
Guess u need glasses to on bottom right hand sign pic under house sign says corpse of budwizer Oh Snap ! need some crackers with that whine of yours :)
And how old is that pic of the W@R guild anyways? Two, three years old?
Maybe your drunk irl?
Guess u need glasses to on bottom right hand sign pic under house sign says corpse of budwizer Oh Snap ! need some crackers with that whine of yours :) there old pic of w@r Its Pic thread sooo ?? whats that got to do with anything??


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see ... people in houses :< SSDD. I saw the same thing the day I quit - after seeing even odds and the side in the house having 2 dragons more than the other side. After I committed suicide 3 times to draw people off so that the people in the house could come out. After they watched me get slaughtered in their defense twice.

I have never seen Bud hang in a house where there was a fight to be had. I've died to him, and I have killed him, but it was always out in the open.

For the record, I loved that guild, and did my best by them. I still have many of the people, including the current GM, very much in my heart. When it became apparent that they were not happy with the direction I was taking the guild, and I was too tangled in RL to give the time it needed, I gave it to the current GM. I wish them the best.

But seriously ... house fighting is lame. Very bad habit - especially from people who really can field PvP when they put their minds to it.

five oclock

Umm..Ok..I think your jeep needs some shocks..you bouncing it around like that....real easy to do with bad shocks ;D

BUT since you did post this thread..and DID post the pics....I notice what looked like a fly zapper in the background..My GOD MAN...what type of insects are living in your neck of the woods???

And are they good for hunting fish?

Jonny boy mccoy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umm..Ok..I think your jeep needs some shocks..you bouncing it around like that....real easy to do with bad shocks ;D

BUT since you did post this thread..and DID post the pics....I notice what looked like a fly zapper in the background..My GOD MAN...what type of insects are living in your neck of the woods???

And are they good for hunting fish?
Lol the kind that pick up little kids and fly away with them !! shocks are good I had help lifting the jeep i was just holding it up Ol lady said it cant be done! alot of people saying it cant be done ! Hmmm havnt tried fishing with them might catch that monster walleye thats been lurking in the river!!

Richard Pryor

"to much $hit talking anymore"

You realize this makes no sense, right?