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phone internet with clear.com


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i work from home and my cable has been sluggish once kids get home from school. I depend on this so I ordered a 4g modem from clear.com and they had 2 plans
$35/month 1.5 M download .5 upload
$45/month 3-6M download 1.5 upload

i got the $45/month and tried it out.
the latency is 150-200 and uo is jerky but playable.
anyone else have better results using mobile modem connectors?

I was thinking if this was good enough i would just have this service alone but now i am thinking to just keep it as backup for when my cable service goes down.

as i work from home this is manditory i have constant good connection for work and i cannot have my cable going in and out - it may cause me to loose my job.


Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With any mobile internet connection, it is all dependent on the quality of the wireless signal you have. From what you describe, you are not getting 4G speed, maybe possibly 3G. Check out clears coverage map, make sure you are in the 4G coverage area, and if so, call them and ask them to take a look at it and see why you are so slow.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it has strength bars (0-5) on the modem and when i put it in an area of 5 bars i get downloads of 4-5Mbs uploads around 1Mbs and latency of 200

this is fine except the latency of 150-200 ms
My question is if anyone has a different experience with getting better latency using a mobile modem carrier or is this a manditory side effect of using mobile connection?

if I wasnt getting 4G and then got 4G would that speed up the latency?


Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are getting 4G speeds. I cannot say anything about the latency, as I am not sure what "good" latency is for a broadband connection. I stand by my previous post. Call them and ask them (clear) about the latency issues and if this is the best you can expect.