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[Selling] Phoenix Armor Suit


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Looking to sell my Phoenix Armor Suit which is currently located on Europa but I can probably get it moved to another shard.
I have just re-subbed so am very out of touch with pricing these days so if there is interest I can run as an auction. Thanks!



Stratics Veteran
the last one I saw sold for anywhere around 4-5p, but with demand for them it may have gone up.


Stratics Veteran
I bought 3 pieces over the summer for 250m each from auction safes, however I see them regularly sit for a plat +. Not sure if they sell or not at that price.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i offer 3p for it as there are pieces on safes for around 600m+ on Altantic.


Stratics Veteran
This recent thread the set was sold for 4p.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This recent thread the set was sold for 4p.
Right, then I'll rise my offer to 4p for it. Let me know if you want to sell it. @DJAd
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I wouldn't let my set go for anything less than 8-9p. As a set it would sell for more and I see these pieces for 1p-1.5p on some safes in Atl. Just my 2 cents.

Captn Norrington

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I wouldn't let my set go for anything less than 8-9p. As a set it would sell for more and I see these pieces for 1p-1.5p on some safes in Atl. Just my 2 cents.
9p is crazy for a Phoenix suit unless it includes the boots too. Those pieces on safes for a plat never sell unless it happens to be the last piece someone needs for their set and they’re tired of waiting. 4-5p for a suit and 300-400m per piece seems about right. My suit went for 4.5 and the boots went for another 4 last year as a public Stratics auction.


On december the 4rth 2020 boots were 1 plat.. and now they are 4p?
You even said you were interested @Captn Norrington, there's your post in this thread i put down below saying you wanted to buy the boots, and you sold them in 2021 (1 year later) for 4p? Seems you are part of the problem to me.

I offered 6p for boots and was turned down...

One Dollar

The boots are definitely worth more than 1p and highly desirable. Now as in the suit 3p to 4p is definitely reasonable offer. Best of luck ever finding boots at 1p. I own neither just my opinion on what I've seen in the market.


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Stratics Legend
boots easy 5 plat suit 3-4 depending on person its not rocket science


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
I did a significant amount of thread clean up. I am operating remotely and will need to come back to this later, as I may have removed a bid or two.

While I can understand discussion on pricing for a suit like this, its unfair to the seller when the entire thread gets hijacked to jab at each other with personal gripes.

Please keep further posts to bids only. Deviation from this may result in posts being removed or warnings being sent.

I restored a few posts that had bids in them which were not apart of the other trolling part of the conversation. I have also issued thread bans to those who were stirring up trouble.
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