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Pets Vrs T-Rex


Stratics Veteran
I started doing Uniting the Tribes quest to try ang get a Banana Pile and thought it would be nice to time how long it took pets to solo T-Rex. No help other then healing.


Fire Beetle 120 all trainable skills, AC/AI. Max everything possible (attack, mana regen, hp regen, +5 Stamina regen, etc) but resist is only at 101.

1st run 52 minutes
2nd run 54 minutes


CU with 120 all trainable skills. AI/Chivalry Max everything possible (attack, mana regen, hp regen, +5 Stamina regen, etc) but Chivalry is only at 114.9.

It took 40 minutes to kill the T-Rex. Thinking it would be faster with Chivalry 120 but not too bad and I will do another test later today.


So far the AI / Chivalry CU is the winner against the T-Rex.

Does anyone have successful builds they want to share?
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Stratics Veteran
Was the loot worth it?
A lot of magic items from but nothing good so far. Mostly unraveling loot. I did get a Tiger cub statue first time through. Only one of the 5 tasks in the quest that I don't care for is mining the rocks. If you are after loot I would look to do regular peerless or champ spawns. Maybe something good will drop if I keep doing it but time vrs reward its not the best.


UO Forum Moderator
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T-rex is my log jam. I love doing the Volcano, as I get mining gems and LJ stuff off the Volcano Eles for my Imbuer/Alchemist.

Typically, I only do T-Rex with a grop of 4 or more - as even that is dangerous due to the local spawn. Not to mention, once a group of EIGHT of us did T-Rex, and when he died, it popped an ant hill with OVER A DOZEN Myrm Warriors. 8 Tamers, and we had a serial TPK (we all died, just not all at once, and some of us were back rezzed by the time the rest died) from the pets being beat up by the Rex, Dimes, Allosaurs and other dinos falling in seconds to the massed Warriors, then the Warriors chasing us down. By the time we got the pets and party rezzed, and the Warriors killed, Rex decayed with only a couple of us ever being able to get close enough to the corpse to try to loot. Of course, this was before Pet Training.


Stratics Veteran
T-rex is my log jam. I love doing the Volcano, as I get mining gems and LJ stuff off the Volcano Eles for my Imbuer/Alchemist.

Typically, I only do T-Rex with a grop of 4 or more - as even that is dangerous due to the local spawn. Not to mention, once a group of EIGHT of us did T-Rex, and when he died, it popped an ant hill with OVER A DOZEN Myrm Warriors. 8 Tamers, and we had a serial TPK (we all died, just not all at once, and some of us were back rezzed by the time the rest died) from the pets being beat up by the Rex, Dimes, Allosaurs and other dinos falling in seconds to the massed Warriors, then the Warriors chasing us down. By the time we got the pets and party rezzed, and the Warriors killed, Rex decayed with only a couple of us ever being able to get close enough to the corpse to try to loot. Of course, this was before Pet Training.
I herd all the mobs far away, sometimes across a bridge, and that does the trick. I have just done T-Rex twice but that trick worked for me.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
T-Rex is easy when you use a trained Naja.
Amour ignore and the fact it cannot be poisoned or cursed makes the fight alot faster. ;)


Crazed Zealot
T-Rex is easy when you use a trained Naja.
Amour ignore and the fact it cannot be poisoned or cursed makes the fight alot faster. ;)
Can it be discorded and does rune corruption work on it? So if you use and RC/AI bug and have disco on tamer would that make it go faster?


Crazed Zealot
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I normally just use my Naja against any type of Dino as they seem to poison with every other hit and you spend all your time healing your pet.
Now if he has 20 HPR and cannot be poisoned in the first place, Dino is wasting half his moves and it leaves you with plenty of time to Wildfire the hell out of him. (Naja with 700 str is not a weak pet either)


Stratics Veteran
T-Rex is easy when you use a trained Naja.
Amour ignore and the fact it cannot be poisoned or cursed makes the fight alot faster. ;)
I trained up a Naja but let it go in favor of ridable pets. With both the Fire Beetle and CU fight I just had consume on and did not have to heal much. The few times I healed I had to cure then heal which was a bit of a pain. I might have to train up a Naga again. If you could time how long it takes to kill the T-Rex without any help other then healing it would be great! I can add the build and results to the list and we can see how it compares to other pets.


Stratics Veteran
I would guess this way the RC and disco would stack..no?
Yes it stacks. That would be a good combination for sure. For this test it is just which pet is better. I think down the road I will look into Pet/Master builds where I unload abilities on the MOB but for me that is down the road and RC/AI Beetle with me casting Disco is one of the first ones I will try. If you want to time it and poste your results please go ahead!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Unicorns cannot be poisoned either... and they are pretty awesome amazing...