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Pets magics pros/cons


Lore Master
I'm not very familiar with the different schools of magic available except for the standard magery. Can anyone tell me what the general pro's/con's of each magic school is with regards to pets? I see a lot of people put Chiv on pets, how/why is it better than regular magery?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill respond to Chiv, because I don't have a lot of exp using all the other magics. Chivalry is probably the best single target magic you can spec a pet into for the sole reason that the pets will enemy of one. Generally when you see a Chiv pet it will have armor ignore to take advantage of that combination.

And as a bonus addition, Mysticism is my new favorite magic to add to AoE pets.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All the magics work on pets. You should have a lesser Hiryu with each magic. Then advance to a Cu and then horses. Then the new drakes. Reptalons. Thats why they sell stable slot increase tokens.

The first "magic" Discordance: Thats is what it does. It Discords things.

Magery - Works great on things that have it naturally. Casts magery spells. Teleport is not always wanted, if you add the mastery you get that. They bless themselves, heal and cure, which allows them to be self sustaining in small crowds so the Tamer can also kill things or do damage. Too expensive to add to other pets.

Thats the key, heal and cure for defense which turns into offense because your pet stays focused on the target and hits faster and more often than one that is damaged. And they can fight on their own longer while you kill what needs to be killed. So My list is biased upon that. Here are my rankings.

Chivalry: Heals, cures, removes curses!!!! And they use their Chivalry damage modifiers to increase damage. When they have EoO on you cant let them have 20 different mobs on them. Walk up, mount the pet and drag a smaller crowd away to annihilate them.

Mysticism: Heals, cures, removes curses!!! They throw rocks at targets!!!! You gotta have one of these!! They use the area damage mystic spells. They make soothing nature noises.

Magery: (See above) I think the damage level of the spells makes it fit here.

Spellweaving: They cast the damaging Weaving spells. They cast WoD with no regard to the targets health.

Necromage: They do the magery abilities!! But then they do the corpseskin on themselves.

Necromancy: They cast damage modifiers but they cast Corpseskin on themselves. BAD. Has potential. Put it on a Ram or Tsuki Wolf. They make a candle lit picnic area for you.

Only Tokuno pets can get the real version of these two magics: I rank after magery.

Bushido: They use their damage intensifying spells. I don't notice any confidence. They use the skill based defense increase and defense spells. We built these first, they worked great until we saw Chivalry damage.

Ninjitsu: As soon as you put the magic on, the pet gets 100 hiding. They use the Ninja damagers when coming out of stealth mode. Hell ya you gotta have a pet that can hide and make Bruce Lee noises!!

They all do more damage than a pet without them would. Make a few different type pets of each magic.

Things you can put magics on.


Cu Sidhe



Cold, Crimson/Platinum Drakes

Other Flappy Pets.

Someone else can go into more detail or add specific spells. Or dispute the order.
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Lore Master

For a pre-patch nightmare or WW, do you recommend they keep regular magery?

For Unicorns? I have 2 uni's about to bond and was going to try out chiv on one and mysticism on the other. Is that a bad idea?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can use the Magery on a 2 slot new color Nightmare and have enough points to make a good pet.

People put other magics on Pre patch ones because they have enough points to put a different magic on.

Use this to build a Nightmare. How to train your legacy Nightmare (without messing it up)

If Ki Rins, Unicorns, Rams had more points there would be a lot more magic using pets being made.


Lore Master
That's a good guide, but is adding all that INT really needed? Does INT really help with mana regen? How much does it help?


Stratics Veteran
That's a good guide, but is adding all that INT really needed? Does INT really help with mana regen? How much does it help?

That is without additional mana regen. It's pretty significant. This has been confirmed to be accurate. If you go over 370 int you start trading off strength for intelligence, so you lose melee damage. That is why 370 is chosen by a lot of tamers.