Yep, asking 'other things' suggests that we missed the treasure. Ho Hum
I get that impression too, although on the
EM web site it seems that the brigands have turned to piracy.
Trader raided at sea!
Last Sunday, Elrond, a trader and merchant from New Haven, was attacked while sailing his goods to Trinsic. The attackers, described by Elrond as brigands rather than pirates, boarded the ship and took the trader’s wares; fine cloths and precious dyes.
Similar cloths and dyes were found for sale on the local market. Some of the local merchants indicated William, a well-known figure in Trinsic both for his often rare and expensive wares and for his rather frequent scuffles with the law. William is being detained in his room at the ‘Rusty Anchor’ for further questioning.
So was there more on that trading ship tan just cloth and dyes, or did the brigands find the treasure and did a bit of piracey on there way to Trinsic.
I tried killing the brigands on te SE pennisula off Trinsic in case one of there bodies or treasure chest had more info, but came up with nothing. I also checked the market area of Trinsic to see if there were witness's to talk to, again blank. I also came up blank looking for the sheriff as he hinted he did not wish us to talk to him.
I found it strange that he's one-eyed Petes friend and he dose not respond to the name. The pirates are back on the island btw. Lastly I wonder if Casca realises William has a single diamond worth more than Petes entire treasure, he kept tight lipped about that too.