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Pet training process


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No tip to stop the pet training process messages with the enhanced client ?
I have a najasaurus with all the possibilities used and a few pointss left, the incessant messages are very unpleasant !
I thought it was requested for the last patch but it seems that the dev's did not take that into account.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
No tip to stop the pet training process messages with the enhanced client ?
I have a najasaurus with all the possibilities used and a few pointss left, the incessant messages are very unpleasant !
I thought it was requested for the last patch but it seems that the dev's did not take that into account.
That developers said they would be addressing this at the 20th Anniversary party. I thought it may have been for patch 99 or 100, which hasn't happened yet.

In the mean time, you can pull the pop up messages to the corner, or stick it behind your paper doll or map to hide it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the info Merlin. Yes i put the popup in a corner but I can't avoid the messages in chat. I hope they will allow to stop the train when you want.
Celticus, the najasaurus is one of the few pet of the game where you can fill all the parameters. Mine is legendary everywhere, capped 2300 & 3300, max 3 regen, poisoning armor ignore and area of nausea :) No room left