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Pet Templates (generic)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to make a post of Generic Pet templates to link to my Training A-Z sticky. If anyone wants to contribute to this thread please fill out the post in the following manner:
  • Pet (Species)
  • Control slot at taming (start slot/end slot)
  • Location of tameable (helpful for new tamers)
  • Suggestions (can be anything here)
  • Last but not least pictures of your animal lore windows
If you wish to participate please try and keep the side discussion down to a minimum, I would like the post to be mainly Pet Templates. Thank you all. (when I have time I will add a few of mine as well)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • Iron Beetle
  • 2/5
  • Underworld, on the road to Navrey
  • One of my favorite pets, you hardly ever see. They can mine and eat ore to change colors (sadly this doesn't add anything to them, when they were introduced I made the suggestion that they should gain resistances based on the type of ore they eat, as a temporary buff)
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