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Pet Power Hour - it's so user-unfriendly...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have no idea, what the criteria is to start it. It seems to start somewhat random.

@Kyronix @Bleak can we maybe improve that a little bit?

1. Add a "Start Power Hour" command and also put it on the context menu of a pet along with all other commands.
2. IMHO the best would be to reset PH at server-restart (or at a fixed time of day). (If this isn't possible and it has to be on a timer, please don't make it 24 hours, because I won't start PH at exact the same minute every day and it will always start shifting to a later time of day constantly. 20-22 hours would be cool.)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have heard many explanations on how the pet power hour is set up. None have worked for me.

Today I saw the message that power hour was ending. Then about 4 hours later it started again. Luckily I had just ported to the invasion and was able to get the whole hour done.

1. It is the time of day you feed the pet the first time.
2. It starts within an hour of pulling the pet out of the stable each new day.
3. It starts when you first tamed the pet.
4. It starts when you bonded the pet.

I cant verify that it happens at the same time each day or not.

I hope someone knows the answer.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Animal Training – Ultima Online
Second paragraph:
Undertaking this training is aided by a daily ‘pet training hour’ beginning when the pet first gains in the training progress and increasing the amount of training progress the pet normally receives from a target.
Works like a charm.
Tamed a new pet, started animal training. Upon getting the very first battle pet XP, i got the "started PH"-message. Released pet. Tamed another, tried again, same result.

Now I just have to find out, when this powerhour resets or what the cooldown is. That's unfortunately not mentioned in that wiki article.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Animal Training – Ultima Online
Second paragraph:

Works like a charm.
Tamed a new pet, started animal training. Upon getting the very first battle pet XP, i got the "started PH"-message. Released pet. Tamed another, tried again, same result.

Now I just have to find out, when this powerhour resets or what the cooldown is. That's unfortunately not mentioned in that wiki article.
That explains why most of my pets are late at night. I would bond them and start training. The weird thing is my 5 spiders have about a 10 minute delay between them. I clicked the buttons in town and took them to the invasion. They all got their first gains at the same time.

The info says daily.

I guess there are people who have a spreadsheet with the time the first gain occurred on their pet. or there will be when they see this.
