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Pet power Calculator?????


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought the pet power calculator compared your pet to the best possible pet of the same type?

I assumed that a near perfect Grt Dragon would be in the high 4s just like any other pet??

A perfect greater mongbat should get high 4's as well!

But this doesn't seem to be the case...are my assumptions wrong or is it broken?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
20 reads and no replies....hmmmm
I will give an example. I tamed a pet last night that was a total of 4 resist points off perfection. It's fire resist was 71 as compared to 75. All other resists were max.

Other than that the pet scored 100% in every single category for a fresh tame. It's score was a single star! A 1!!!!

I got to think there is something broken here. OR is this calculator rigged to only give good scores for The big boys of taming ( Grts, Hiryus,Dreads, Cus)????

Frey Wavestrider

I honestly do not know, I thinking the more data it has the more accurate it may be but I am not sure.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure you selected the right animal type? I have done that on accident before and selected the wrong type of animal....after I entered the data I was like "wtf?". I found my error and it all worked out. FYI.


select the right type of animal and make sure you enter the Hit points correctly, it counts as a big portion of the calculation.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have it all correct.....
it even says I have 100% of hit points....
It says I have 100% of everything except fire resist and it says I am at 95% (71/75).

But then it gives me 1 star and says it will be 2.5 stars when fully trained.

Either it is weighted towards the big guys, or it is broken!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your Pet’s Power Rating: 1 [2.5 with skills included]

Power Ratings (% of max):

Stats: 100% / 100% / 100%

Hit Points: 100%

Resists: 100% / 95% / 100% / 100% / 100%

100% of the maximum Strength (150 / 150).

100% of the maximum Dexterity (50 / 50).

100% of the maximum Intelligence (500 / 500).

100% of the maximum Hit Points (100 / 100)

100% of the maximum Physical resist (40 / 40)
* .

95% of the maximum Fire resist (71 / 75)
* .

100% of the maximum Cold resist (10 / 10)
* .

100% of the maximum Poison resist (30 / 30)
* .

100% of the maximum Energy resist (30 / 30)
* .

100% of the maximum Wrestling skill (45 / 45).

100% of the maximum Tactics skill (45 / 45).

100% of the maximum Resist skill (36 / 36).

does that look like a 1 star pet?

Old Man of UO

Your Pet’s Power Rating: 1 [2.5 with skills included]

Power Ratings (% of max):

Stats: 100% / 100% / 100%

Hit Points: 100%

Resists: 100% / 95% / 100% / 100% / 100%

does that look like a 1 star pet?
GOOFBALL... are you trying to enter percentages? The calculator does not take percentages. And whatever creature you chose isn't a greater dragon. What is the link you are using for your pet calculator? It should be

I do NOT get the same results you are... double check what you are doing.

Max stats/resists/skills for a greater dragon are:
1000 HP, 713 Str, 125 Dex, 675
Resists 85/90/55/60/75
Skills 130.5/126/126/100/0/0/126/100/100

If you put those into the calculator, you get a perfect 5.0. Note that max hitpoints the calculator allows is 999, not 1000.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Goofball read the whole thread...it isn't a grt dragon.

I am inputting actual values and it gives you percentages.

I have checked and double checked what I am doing....the calculator is flawed!

Input these values...then you can apologize.
100 hp
51 stam
500 mana
150 str
50 dex

Pet is a Fire Beetle

it will come back as a 1 star pet!

Old Man of UO

ACK! No where did you say FIRE BEETLE until you edited your last post. You started out by talking about a Grt Dragon, then switched to "I tamed a pet last night..." without giving more details. Sorry, I assumed you were still on topic.

I put the numbers in for a Greater Dragon and it came back with a 5 rating. I'll double check your numbers with a fire beetle, and a few others to see what I get. But if you find an error there, you really really really should message the websites owner for a response and correction, since she isn't affiliated with Stratics.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I think Kitara of Atlantic wrote the calculator. If you see that some numbers are off, just shoot her a PM.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Indeed it is Kitaria of Atlantic. Kit also posts on the UOForums boards. She's been excellent in the past about fixing bugs, drop her a PM, I'm sure she'll get it taken fixed.

Old Man of UO

I just checked three different pets (Fire Beetle, Squirrel and Frenzied), and everything calculated correctly for me. I don't know what Timberwolf is using or putting in, but the Pet Calculator seems to be working correctly. Everything came back as 5 stars when I put max numbers in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well I didn't put in imaginary max numbers...I put in actual numbers....I gave you the numbers...put in what I did and see what you get!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all -

Thanks for the heads-up - I'm looking into the fire beetle numbers as we speak and will post when I find the problem.

I mentioned to TW in a PM that I did not test every single pet in the tool (mainly because I don't own tames of every single pet!) so I appreciate whenever users can point out anomalies in the results.

The data used for each pet (as far as min/max ranges etc) came from the old Vetmaster web site, and from Stratics hunter's guide. FYI.

I'll post back after I investigate this fire bug bug! :)



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Found the problem with the fire beetles.

Unlike most pets, the documented statistics for fire beetles indicate that their minimum and maximum hit points, strength, dex, and int are the same. There is no range (at least not according to Stratics and the old Vetmaster data).

The power formula uses the difference between the min and max possible ranges, and YOUR pet's comparison to those ranges, to generate the score.

I could remove fire beetles from the tool, since they don't abide by the same rules as other pets, or...

To give a more accurate reflection of the fire beetle's score (since its data seems to differ from the stats of other pets in UO), I've input minimum data that is comparable to that of other pets (by comparing other pets' average difference between their min and max values for hp, str, dex, and int). So, the calculator now gives an accurate score (relative to scores for other pets).

I'm not sure why fire beetles are so locked into one set of stats, whereas other pets have ranges of stats... odd! Note, though, that the min ranges I input are not accurate to the actual minimums you'll find in the wild - but fire beetles don't fit the mold, so to speak, and this was the only way to give them a score with this calculator. It is comparable to other pet scores, though, relatively speaking.

Hope that helps! If anybody sees a problem with a pet, please feel free to PM me here or on UOForums or via email (available on the UOCraft.com web site or in my profiles). :)

PS - I plan to add battle chickens soon!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the one star pet is now a 4.6 star ...looks like you got it fix...thanks Kit


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gee this silence coming from the "Old man of UO" is deafening?
Sheesh after busting on me for a few days about what a screw-up and goof ball I must be, and how everything was working fine....he can't suck it up and admit he was the goof ball and that there actually was an issue???

Well that tells ya a lot!




Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're welcome, TimberWolf - thanks for the heads-up!

I've also added ferrets to the tool, by request - so if anybody has a tamed ferret, please feel free to test it out.

And, battle chickens have been added! (See the battle chicken thread, as I'm still gathering data for the stat/resist/skill ranges... so you may run into oddball numbers if your pet is better or worse in a category than my documented ranges). Stratics doesn't have data posted for battle chickens yet, so I'm gathering it on my own :)

Thanks all!