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Pet Help

DreadLord Lestat

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Ok, to be honest I have barely played my tamer since the pet publish. I have 2 tamers I am looking to get pets for. I have a bard/tamer
120 Tame
120 Lore
120 Vet
120 Music
120 Disco/Peace (depending on what I am doing)
100 Magery

and a t-hunter/tamer
115 Tame
115 Lore
110 Vet
100 Magery
90 Med
100 Carto
100 LP

I want something different than the Greater Dragon but not sure what to go for and put the training and power scrolls into. Anyone have any suggestions?


Stratics Veteran
Good Morning D.L. Lestat, There are so many grand pets in the new system that 5 slot quite nicely.. For the T hunter I would train a nice Giant beetle.. they are super tanky and can learn Rune corruption .. a move which lowers all the resistances of what they are fighting by 50%.. they do some of the best sustained single target damage in the game and as an added bonus for the T hunter.. can carry 1500 stones of goodies in their pack..(1500 without losing mounted stam until it moves slow..1600 max but it will lose mounted run speed). On the non T hunter I would bond these pets to toy around with and take to test and spec out to see if ya like the feel.. Lesser hiryu, Giant beetle, Fire Beetle, Cu.. There are many other fine pets as well.. They have just remade a full pet testing area in west brit with 120 PS, bonding gate and 100% training jump portal... If you want collect these pets and I would gladly meet you on test and help you get a feel for the system...You are in for a very addictive treat my friend.. =^-^=
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Crazed Zealot
Yup, get a disco pet and replace 240 skill with some sdi, med or another skill
@Donavon , does Rune corruption on a Giant beetle or Fire beetle stack with the beetle's Disco? So then debuffs even more? That would go with insane pet damage? Or stacks better with player disco? And also does the pet's disco effect last as long as the player produced effect? (Players I think is lasts indefinitely..)


Stratics Veteran
Good afternoon Cel, Yes Rc will stack with a player or another pets disco making the monster even weaker... making for some pretty awesome damage..If you have a disco cu , a beetle with RC along with any chiv pet with AI you will see that boss melt.(Sadly , the 2 beetles can only learn some mastery based moves and poison now under school of magic..but ya can pare them with other pets that can learn disco). Both the pet and the playeyer disco will keep on rolling so long as the pet is not mounted, invised, or taken out of range of the disco target for about 6-12 sec.. also there are some odd boss rooms and area where the pet can be right next to the boss hitting it with melee attacks and the game consider the pet to be out of line of sight with the boss for disco and loyal checks.. its often in these rooms pets go wild... If a pet line of sights its target the disco will also fall off.(when a pet can not see its target because of pillars or other structures/ terrain obstructions.) The main diff between player and pet disco is that its easier for a players to land in fewer attempts on 120-160 based monsters.. The disco pet will get there but it may take more attempts.. hope this helps mate.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or ask.. =^-^=
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Crazed Zealot
Good afternoon Cel, Yes Rc will stack with a player or another pets disco making the monster even weaker... making for some pretty awesome damage..If you have a disco cu , a beetle with RC along with any chiv pet with AI you will see that boss melt.(Sadly , the 2 beetles can only learn some mastery based moves and poison now under school of magic..but ya can pare them with other pets that can learn disco). Both the pet and the playeyer disco will keep on rolling so long as the pet is not mounted, invised, or taken out of range of the disco target for about 6-12 sec.. also there are some odd boss rooms and area where the pet can be right next to the boss hitting it with melee attacks and the game consider the pet to be out of line of sight with the boss for disco and loyal checks.. its often in these rooms pets go wild... If a pet line of sights its target the disco will also fall off.(when a pet can not see its target because of pillars or other structures/ terrain obstructions.) The main diff between player and pet disco is that its easier for a players to land in fewer attempts on 120-160 based monsters.. The disco pet will get there but it may take more attempts.. hope this helps mate.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or ask.. =^-^=
Thank you Donavon, appreciate the info.