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Pet for Roof (ESP Juo'nar)



Google hasn't been able to help me with my problems at the roof.
Even though I have been able to clear the roof encounter (group of 3 tamers), it has been messy, especially when it comes to Juo'nar

1. The 4 Bosses are still spawning adds with just only pets on them. Is that supposed to happen?

2. Juo'nar... more specifically her adds kills the pets so quick, even with Consume Damage on, what are we doing wrong. Further, does her being red or green color mean anything?

3. Anon, realised my CU actually heals her up while she is in stone elemental form. Can that be right?

4. Lastly, what is your choice and pet and build for roof encounter?

This is a puzzle I really need your help to crack, thanks in advance.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
1. It was a bug that they didn’t before. Pub 100 fixed the adds to spawn, but it’s nowhere near as much as it was, so be thankful.

2. Juonar has always been hardest. His AoE is a pain, but Discording him normally helps. Stay as far away as you can with out dropping your Line of Sights. His color, red means he’s targeted you, green means you’re good (it’s the default color flagging in your client if you play classic for enemies to highlight red, his normal hue is that nox green).
As far the spawn, aim to take down the Skeleton Dragons first then he banshees. Skellys drop withers like no ones business and will drop your pets like lightning.

3. See above.

4. Bug is known by Devs atm about Anon bug. He goes into Earth form from all and any type of pet damage, supposedly they’re working on a fix for it. Gotta do like the old days of GDs fighting him. On and off. On and off. Rinse. Repeat.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
And I realize I messed up on the numbers.

Pet choice, depends on when Anon is working as intended. If it is, I try to use 3 clients (only one at a time during Ju) one with a AI Chiv Cu, One RC AI Fire Beetle, and one RC AI frostbite, plus whatever the guild brings along. I’ve heard people say success with PP nightmares and Wyrms as well.
Really gotta tailor it to your play style and template. There’s not an Uber pet build that is best at everything. You can do well at MOST with a Chiv AI Cu , but if you ever do champs or large spawning areas that can drop quick.
I farm dragon turtle with a friend of mine multiple times a day (to keep us busy and to get easy masteries) and my favorite pet is the Frenzied Breath Naja. Clears the first two rounds within about 10 minutes or less.
Shadowguard: see above.
Everything else: depends.


Caitlyn, you're a star!

Thank you for demystifying things, much appreciated.
Have you ever tried to solo it?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Juo'nar and Anon are male.
The Skeletal Dragons that Juo'nar spawns can hit like a freight train on steroids. They have 29-35 Base Damage, and up to 1,030 STR, the same as Shadow Wyrms. If your pet has EoO running on Juo'nar when he pops out the Skele Drags, then RIP your pet. EoO causes the pet to deal more damage to their chosen foe, but they also take more damage from everything else. It's not good for multi-target fights, which is why Chiv pets can get dropped fast by mobs at Champ spawns (plus Divine Fury lowering the pet's DCI).

Both Juo'nar and his spawn will cast Wither and Poison Strike, causing them to hit you and switch to you if you're near your pet. Juo'nar also likes to suck you into him when your pet is attacking him. If Juo'nar hits you and you hear a zombie sound, with all your skills suddenly dropping, don't try to command your pet. He just hit you with a Discord like effect that wears off after 15-20 secs, and if you try to command your pet during then it'll simply disobey, which causes them to lose Happiness. The pet can even go wild if you try to command it and it disobeys too many times.
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Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Sorry didn’t see your last reply.

Soloing it?

I have tried, and succeeded, before the big fix.
Now, I have only succeeded like before with a Sampire and Tamer and Pure Bard with masteries running together.

Tamer pet takes the damage from Virtue Bane well and has a much higher HIt chance on Ozy.
Sampire solos Juonar (always leave if he is last so others get loot rights) and Anon. Juonar, so Long he is discorded, is easy pickens for a sampire with peace mastery. Clears the spawn right up and deals massive DPS with a Fire double axe spamming Onslaught and double strike.

Anon is good with Sampire because player damage isn’t bugged (right now) and I can have pet attack when the sampire weapons (cold and fire) switch him back and forth into his forms.

I tried twice to solo with 3 tamers and a bard.

Failed. Miserably. Could get through the first three with only a death on Virtuebane (his stupid area is hard to dodge when you’re piloting 4 clients on two screens). But Juonar ripped me to shreds. So I gave up.