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PERMA yes PERMA crash in Abyss

  • Thread starter RavenWinterHawk
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


My character has been all over SA.
Shes been in and out of the Abyss a dozen times.
No crashes. Some lag.

Today about 7:45 am, I go into the abyss. I fight some creatures. Kill imps etc for 15 minutes.

Decide to make my way to slashers. As I approach the area with fairy dragons, I cross the bridge and stay way left till I go up against the rock wall there. My character is blocked out by normal graphics when you move against rock facing in that direction. NO BIGGY RIGHT.

CLIENT CRASH ERROR. Im in the area remember where fairy dragon are and the first empty building complex is.


Reset computer
CLIENT CRASH all on same character name. Its her location obviously.

LOG IN ANOTHER CHARACTER, hes fine in trammel. I use him for a while.

GO BACK TO CRASHed character. SAME ERROR. Client fails immediately.



OH OH 2D I am in.

Going to try other client when I get in that should work?


Try deleting the "desktop" folder for that character.
Back the files up first, in case that's not the problem, so you don't lose them for nothing.


OH OH 2D I am in.

Going to try other client when I get in that should work?
Is there a "check files" button for the enhanced client patcher? Maybe one of your files is corrupted.

Maybe you should post in the enhanced client forum to see if other players have the same problem.

Good luck!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had something similar a while ago and ended up with a friend calling a GM to get me moved because I couldn't log back in. The GM moved my char and checked I was able to get back online again. If clearing out your desktop files doesn't solve the problem, that's what I suggest you try.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same thing happened to me when I used the 2D Client (I usually use Enhanced Client). I walk through the Abyss, nothing special happens and I just crash to the Desktop. I cannot login anymore, I keep crashing to the Desktop after selecting the character.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either log into the SA client and move far out of the way before going back into 2D or do something else i'm about to explain. From what i've seen, some people ahve a problem with that kinda crashing if they have their radar window open in the vicinity of the Slasher.

Other thing I can think of is make a new character on another shard with the same name as the stuck one, close that character's radar window and exit, backup the original stuck character's desktop folder and copy the newly made data over.

And yes they're working on it; they just have no idea whats causing it and can't reproduce it themselves.

Marcus Blackwell

Not cool, remember something like this happening to one of my characters during the launch of AoS..took a week before they fixed the problem and could play the character again. Hopefully they fix this issue soon. Was this happening in beta as well? Just seems like alot of bugs again for another expasion lost just wondering if they knew about some of them and launched anyways or if some of these have just crept up because SA is live on all shards now.

Zero Day

The same thing happens to me in 2D client.
What I had to do was log in to enhanced client then run past the lost city.

After that I was fine and could log back in to 2d


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once you're able to get in on that cahracter again, just remember to keep your radar map down when you go toward that area of the Abyss, at least until the devs say the problem is fixed.


This reminds me of the client crashes we had on Test Sosaria about 4 years ago.

Someone (Noxin/Wildcat) had a universal ethereal dye tub which dyed almost anything ethereal.

We had a herd of live ethereal deer at west Brit Bank once which was pretty cool.

What caused SOME people to crash on SOME computers was ethereal bolts of cloth, ethereal gilded dresses and all ethereal cloth hats.

Once you crashed UO WOULD NOT RESTART period unless the offending item was removed from the area, dyed over, or unless you could get on an unaffected computer and move the character from the screen the ethereal item was in.

One day I walked towards west Brit Bank between the guard tower and the tavern and as soon as I came into the screen with the bank UO closed, shut down and would not even try to start up.

We had a newer computer than the one I used which was a Win 98 Pentium II so I got on it and saw that one lone ethereal wizard hat in the street in front of the bank had caused my crash.

Once I tossed it into the trash all was fine with my other computer.

One day I recall seeing a stealthing player named G'Thunk dyeing bolts of cloth ethereal that were locked down in the front of Hanse's dye house.

I yelled at him for making people crash. Now I have a statue of him locked down in my castle.

Go figure.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not cool, remember something like this happening to one of my characters during the launch of AoS..took a week before they fixed the problem and could play the character again. Hopefully they fix this issue soon. Was this happening in beta as well? Just seems like alot of bugs again for another expasion lost just wondering if they knew about some of them and launched anyways or if some of these have just crept up because SA is live on all shards now.

They knew, but there's not much they can do if they can't make it happen for them. They are actively working on it though, as crash bugs are really not good.


you may have to do a complete reinstall too Raven. This happened through beta and apparantly was fixxed. lol. There is still one spot in the same area on the steps that still cause one to crash even now.


Thanks all
All helpful as usual.

Ill be logging in in a bit and will let you know what works.

I see its happening to others.

Hopefully I wasnt killed.



LOGGED in in 3D worked.

I could move away and recalled to bank.

Now if a GM or anyone wants to contact me I can show them where I stood exactly if htat helps.

And I wasnt dead.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i have been reporting this since the start of closed beta! so they know about it or they ignore bug reporting posts if it isnt happening to everyone lol....problem is they cant reproduce this on there end! so..it cant be fixed till they do!....i had a guild mate have this happen yesterday in the slasher area again!, he had to lay some trust out and give me his username n pass so i could move his char out of the crash zone using the enhanced client...otherwise he wasnt getting use of that char again till they fix it....( some people cant run enhanced)
from what i figured out..its tied to the radar, and if you crash in certain areas and if your radar is open apon log in ( crash n crash again)
same issues been reported in the tomb of kings now!..was only the slasher area till recently.....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once you're able to get in on that cahracter again, just remember to keep your radar map down when you go toward that area of the Abyss, at least until the devs say the problem is fixed.
Oh my.

I have my radar map open all the time....Even when fighting the Slasher.

I guess I'm just lucky.

-Galen's player


I had the same EXACT problem,
There are two ways to fix it,
ONE: Page a GM on another shard/character on your own shard and ask them to move you or
TWO: Log in with SA and move yourself to another location.

However I crashed near the Clan Ribbon rats


Founder, Citadel Studios
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We are indeed trying to hunt down this crash. It's really hard to fix a crash that I can't reproduce. I'm hoping we can get in a fix for this soon.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe it has to do with the "ghosting" in the black area around the Chamber of Virtue (let the slasher walk around the path to the northeast of it in 2D)? It might be the same thing as was happening with the previously mentioned hue issue, just manfiested in terrain form.. or at least something similar. Something with a specific hue interacting with a function of Windows 98/XP that isn't in Vista?

It looks bad, so fix it anyway.. would just be nice if that fixed the rest of the problem.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually.. maybe its the Slasher itself causing it? I remember the Slasher being dyed some form of ethereal hue originally.. maybe something about it is still clinging to him? Easy to test that one.. get one of the people afflicted with the problem onto a test shard and move the slasher to another facet and see if they still crash going in that area.

Sorry.. just brain storming. Again. Those are the only two things I can think of that are unique to that area.