If I try shift-drag a stack of coins, or press ctrl+shift to get namebars up, I freeze for a second and become very laggy (just mouse lag, not server lag)
Im running vista on a brand new laptop, and I run crysis on almost max settings with no freeze or hangups.
Any idea what could be the cause of this? Quick looting stacks anf getting namebars are impossible with the lag I get from pressing shift or ctrl+shift.
Oh, and it happens If im alone with a mob and try get his bar aswell, with nothing else on screen lighting up.
Im running vista on a brand new laptop, and I run crysis on almost max settings with no freeze or hangups.
Any idea what could be the cause of this? Quick looting stacks anf getting namebars are impossible with the lag I get from pressing shift or ctrl+shift.
Oh, and it happens If im alone with a mob and try get his bar aswell, with nothing else on screen lighting up.