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Perfect Stats?

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
So, I have been working on a Treasure Hunter and looking for feed back on where my stats should be.

Currently, I have the following:
Str: 111
Dex: 107
Int: 12

Now, all I want is enough mana to recall, which calls for 11 mana.
Where is best for my Str and Dex? Does a higher dex have much to do with Treasure Hunting?

I will be having some fighting skills so I can handle my own since I also use this toon for supplying my blacksmith with ingots... here are my current skills and feel free to provide feedback.

Anatomy: 35.2
Cartography: 78.3
Fishing: 70.7
Focus: 87.6 <---- not thinking i need any focus at all so gonna dump it.
Healing: 26.5 <--- I do want to be able to some healing if i ever had to
Hiding: 36.7 <--- might be useful, not sure yet if i want to keep it or not...
Lockpicking: 83.6
Magery 44.1 <-----not sure where would be ideal to recall most the time
Mining: 100
Parrying: 35 <---- not sure if really wanted/needed
Resisting Spells: 41.6 <---- same, not sure how much is wanted or needed
Swordsmanship: 43.1 <---- seems to come in handy for me, no idea where it should be
Tactics: 37.6 <----- same as swordsmanship

Looking for your thoughts and comments with what I am wanting in a treasure hunter.

DreadLord Lestat

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Anatomy: 35.2
Cartography: 78.3
Fishing: 70.7
Focus: 87.6 <---- not thinking i need any focus at all so gonna dump it.
Healing: 26.5 <--- I do want to be able to some healing if i ever had to
Hiding: 36.7 <--- might be useful, not sure yet if i want to keep it or not...
Lockpicking: 83.6
Magery 44.1 <-----not sure where would be ideal to recall most the time
Mining: 100
Parrying: 35 <---- not sure if really wanted/needed
Resisting Spells: 41.6 <---- same, not sure how much is wanted or needed
Swordsmanship: 43.1 <---- seems to come in handy for me, no idea where it should be
Tactics: 37.6 <----- same as swordsmanship
What are you trying to do? I am very unsure due to the amount of skills that you have listed. Is this a character to solo chests with? What level do you want to peak at?

It seems to be a dexxer so I would recommend something like this:

Swords 120 (105 real +15 jewels)
Tactics 120 (105 real +15 jewels
Anatomy 120
Healing 100 (85 real +15 jewels)
Cart 100
Lockpicking 100
Chivalry 120 (105 real +15 jewels)

This would come out to 720

I do not run mining at all. If you use the EC (Pincos UI 6), you can enlarge the treasure map and make it semi-transparent, enlarge the player map, and then put the treasure map over the same area on the player map. You then see where you need to dig and it can normally be found within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The EC also has great macros and you can make a macro to hot key digging and makes it easier.

If you have to have mining, I would swap cart out for mining after you decode the maps.

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
Great idea to swap out cart for mining..I can go and decode all my maps then make the swap and go hunt them. Ya mainly solo at least on the lower level maps with my fire beetle although i should probably get a better pet when going out, that is if i am able to control one and if i have enough stable slots....
since he is an overlal treasure hunter, fishing is a requirement for me to have, if i had soul stones, i could just swap eveything out but unfortunantly, I dont have any.

DreadLord Lestat

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You could drop Anatomy or Tactics to squeeze in Fishing. If you drop Tactics, you lose 81.25 Damage Bonus. http://uo2.stratics.com/skill-guides/skills-and-professions/tactics

If you drop Anatomy, you lose up to 65% Damage Bonus http://uo.stratics.com/content/skills/anat.shtml and then your heals from bandages drop from 39-63 to 19-43 which can be substantial when doing level 6 and 7 chests. http://uo.stratics.com/content/skills/healing.php

I personally would put fishing on another character if I did not have any soul stones but that is just me. I hope this helps. :)

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
What about stats as far as dex and str? How much more important would one be over the other? Currently, with my armor/jewerly/weapons equipped, my stats are as follows:
STR: 118
DEX: 124
INT: 16

DreadLord Lestat

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I would make sure to have enough mana to cast Enemy of One every 3 minutes with enough reserve for an emergency heal with close wounds. You can adjust your stats with MR and Intel bonus on jewelry if you need to.


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For melee, Chivalry has the following advantages over Magery :

1. No supporting skill needed (Magery requires Eval for damaging spells). The power of the spells are based on skill level and karma.
2. Chivalry doesn't require Spell channeling weapon & shield - stuff stays in your hand when cast.
3. Furthermore, the buffs from chivalry are more effective and easier to cast than the few Magery buffs. Better versions of magery buffs can be done via potions, and if you MUST have protection, it can be cast from scroll at 0 Magery by anyone (it might just fail a few times, but you wouldn't be casting it in combat anyway). And, Divine fury is a lot easier than carrying refresh potions
3.a. Dispel evil is an easier replacement to cast than it's magery equivalent, and Holy Light can be spammed quite well.
4. Tithing is much more convenient than cramming LRC on the suit or carrying regs. You just tithe gold at the shrines, and you're good to go.
4.a. This is ESPECIALLY important healing up after being rezzed by a wandering priest or shrine. You can cast Close Wounds while buck naked.
5. Chiv's Sacred Journey has always seemed to be better for me than Magery's Recall. OF course, neither works on SP or Mugen, but elsewhere SJ is a lot easier, and requires no regs other than tithing.
5.a. You can actually use SJ as a replacement for Invisibility, in that you can precast it, target a rune for a nearby location when the spawn pops, and then walk back to the chest, picking off the spawn one at a time, instead of the risks of a failed invis, being revealed, and being attacked by all the spawn at once. This is especially true for Fel maps, where you might have move-through issues after just one hit.

You probably don't need 120 stamina unless using a really heavy weapon. You'd be better off at 90-100, with the rest in Int for mana. Weapons with mana leech (and mana drain too, if possible) are better.

I'll repost my current melee TH later.


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It does, but you still have to have as many tithing points as the spell requires to cast it, even if they aren't used (unlike regs for other spells). If you don't mind the gold costs, tithing and not worrying about LRC allows slots on the suit to be used for stuff other than LRC.


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BTW, my template I mentioned before:
Stats scrolled to 260
With Equipment
Strength 112
Dex 120
Int 67
HP 116
Stamina 120
Mana 67

Skills (with Equipment)
Anatomy 100
Chivalry 100 (real 60)
Healing 90
Lockpicking / Cartography 100 (only have Cartography when decoding maps; lockpicking for digging)
Mining 90 (100 when digging, using a Jacob's Pickaxe from New Haven; Once dig starts I switch back to my weapon)
Parrying 103 (real 87)
Swordsmanship 120 (real 100)
Tactics 100 (real 93)
803 total
Swords and Tactics need to be at least 90 real for both weapon special moves.
I also have done the Spellweaving quest and can cast Magery & Spellweaving spells as if I had 20 skill, as per human Jack of All Trades ability.

Suit has some room for improvement (only 25 HCI, 21 SDI, 1 FC, 1 FCR, 14 LMC, 265 luck), but provides 83 skill points for template and 76 DI.
I'm hoping that some of these will improve from loot, as there's only two crafted/reforged items, imbued jewelry, and everything else are drops (1 doom, 1 Treasures of Tokuno minor, 1 ToT major, 1 minor artifact, a shield from Slasher, a robe and cloak from events, an orb from t-maps, a CC from Mel and boots from the cleanup points)


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Sign of Order (shield drop from Slasher) gives +10, and I imbued +15 on both my bracelet and ring.