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PC Vet reward robes missing resists


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a Valorite Robe and a golden robe both missing the resists on tehm can i get a PC please


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Valorite Vet Reward Robe missing the +3 physical resist
Golden Vet Reward Robe missing the +3 physical resist


Do you have a pic of them. As people can make the same colors with a bugged leather tub. Bring on the pics please...

Sorcon Gartius

I've seen quite a few of the ones w/ the missing resists. They bring 5 mil for the Val's...probably 3 or so for the Goldens


Do they actually say A Valorite Robe and show that its a reward or is it just a plain robe val colored


That would be my question. As anyone can make a Val colored robe..


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
do the pictures make it easier to determine, i am sure they are a rare or atleast a oddity missing teh resists


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
onmy figureing there woudl be more of the 3rd year ones floating around and less of teh golden being a lesser year, i believe there was a short period that they spawned without the resists, and as in the day folks showing off how old the account was by wearing teh robes. Golden being a lesser chosen reward at the time i am sure there are alot fewer golden robes than there are valorite, not sure if it can be confirmed but it seems logical that the golden one would hold more value being as there is less of them.

anyone help with prices?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if I remember they still have resist when you put it on just don't show it in name. With that said I would guess it's bugged like Sandals that are blessed and somehow lose the blessed tag, guess that would work with resist also.