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Pc please on some sets of items



Looking for a price check on:

Complete Vet statue set all years
Complete Mini House Deed Set

Took me a year to complete these sets. Includes all the old and new snowglobes listed in the holiday forums

Any ideas thoughts?


It's kind of weird pricing sets. Usually you make a tough set and add 10 - 20% or somesuch to what the items are worth all together. But then it can be tough selling whole sets as set collectors usually have most of what they need and only need a few pieces. For the house deeds you might have an easier sale selling the rare ones and dumping the rest. Snowglobes the same, possibly. Tho since there are so many more snowglobes in a full set (what lik 70 or something? I forget) they are harder to amass for someone newly interested in globe collecting, and therefore might sell better as a set to a newer collector or an older collector who never turned their sights in that direction before. Vet statue set is probably a good one to sell as a whole, since those first year statues are going for so little these days.

I'd ask at least 10 - 15m for the snowglobe set, at least 20 for the mini deeds, and I'm honestly not sure on the vet statues because I don't sell enough of the higher year ones to know what they should go for, and thats really where you're going to get a lot of variance.

Don't take my word for all this tho, I'm a set collector, not a seller, and that's mostly deed sets. I got all of my minis from doing idocs tho I'm still missing one of the vet reward ones. I would have all the snowglobes if I hadn't gotten lazy and not bothered to collect up the most recent set, which probably shouldn't be too hard as there weren't any rare ones in that set. I *think* I have all the vet statues, usually I would just keep two of everything and sell off duplicates. Sets are fun! Terrible for lockdowns tho.



Sets are fun! Terrible for lockdowns tho.

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