I'm looking for a price check. I built this suit for a scribe (and for training magic skills). Stats are:
Individual pieces:
Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Casting Focus 4%
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 13%
Cold Resist 12%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 14%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 192 / 255
Leather Gloves
Crafted By Lord Prototype
Weight: 1 Stone
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 8%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 41 / 46
Reforged (Greater)
Arcane Ring Of Sorcery
Weight: 1 Stone
Intelligence Bonus 10
Mana Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 15%
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Durability 114 / 254
Major Artifact
Weight: 1 Stone
Meditation +15
Spirit Speak +15
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 150
Enhance Potions 25%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 91 / 254
Major Artifact
Weight: 1 Stone
Hit Magic Arrow 30%
Strength Bonus 1
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Regeneration 9
Lower Mana Cost 4%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10 - 12
Weapon Speed 2s
Strength Requirement 10
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability 255 / 255
Lesser Artifact
Arcane Tear Kite Shield
Weight: 5 Stones
Stamina Increase 4
Mana Regeneration 4
Faster Casting 1
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Fire Resist 15%
Energy Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 62 / 62
Lesser Artifact
Leather Sleeves
Crafted By Lord Prototype
Weight: 2 Stones
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 9%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 7%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 37 / 40
Reforged (Greater)
Arcane Ringmail Tunic
Weight: 15 Stones
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 4
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 3%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 16%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 3%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 40
Durability 42 / 42
Greater Artifact
Dull Copper Platemail Mempo
Crafted By Nad Scientist
Weight: 3 Stones
Lower Reagent Cost 16%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 5%
Lower Requirements 20%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 40
Durability 72 / 129
- +26 Int
- +23 Mana
- 30/30 Mana Regen
- 40/30 Lower Mana Cost
- 56/100 LRC
- 1/4 FC
- 3/6 FCR
- Medable = TRUE
Individual pieces:
Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Casting Focus 4%
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 13%
Cold Resist 12%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 14%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 192 / 255
Leather Gloves
Crafted By Lord Prototype
Weight: 1 Stone
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 8%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 41 / 46
Reforged (Greater)
Arcane Ring Of Sorcery
Weight: 1 Stone
Intelligence Bonus 10
Mana Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 15%
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Durability 114 / 254
Major Artifact
Weight: 1 Stone
Meditation +15
Spirit Speak +15
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 150
Enhance Potions 25%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 91 / 254
Major Artifact
Weight: 1 Stone
Hit Magic Arrow 30%
Strength Bonus 1
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Regeneration 9
Lower Mana Cost 4%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10 - 12
Weapon Speed 2s
Strength Requirement 10
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability 255 / 255
Lesser Artifact
Arcane Tear Kite Shield
Weight: 5 Stones
Stamina Increase 4
Mana Regeneration 4
Faster Casting 1
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Fire Resist 15%
Energy Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 62 / 62
Lesser Artifact
Leather Sleeves
Crafted By Lord Prototype
Weight: 2 Stones
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 9%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 7%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 37 / 40
Reforged (Greater)
Arcane Ringmail Tunic
Weight: 15 Stones
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 4
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 3%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 16%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 3%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 40
Durability 42 / 42
Greater Artifact
Dull Copper Platemail Mempo
Crafted By Nad Scientist
Weight: 3 Stones
Lower Reagent Cost 16%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 5%
Lower Requirements 20%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 40
Durability 72 / 129