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PC on Green clothing

  • Thread starter imported_Lariat
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


On Napa, I have a plain dress, bandana, body sash, half apron, and skirt. All are "Green" items, made from dryad green cloth, Crafted by A Sexy Bytch

Price range for the set?


Thats the reason that people price them at a mil to sometimes as much as 2 - 3m, b/c you can dye the clothing with tokuno pigments, and achieve those colors or shades not available with a dye tub. Then people cut the clothing up and use the cloth to make the pieces of clothing they want.


The item may very well sell at a higher price, it simply depends upon the shard, and the item, and how badly you need it. Plus to some degree it depends on who you are....She plays on NAPA, and as you can see below, with the exception of Atlantic, Pacific, and to some degree Lake Superior, the other shards listed have either no Gree Clothing or very little of it available in Luna at the moment. This means that if someone is looking for another piece to wear, or to dye and then turn into another article of clothing that Lariat can charge more b/c the individual's demand is greater than the current supply. Of course its possible non-luna vendors exist with the clothing, but Luna is typically(not for all shards, but in my experience this holds true for napa) indicative of what items are for sale throughout the shard.

Atlantic - 29 - 500k-5m
Great Lakes - 2 - 500k-1m
Lake Superior - 7 - 1-2m
Napa - 0
Pacific - 18 - 500k-3m
Europa -1 - 3m


I believe, however, he's talking about clothes that actually HAVE the title "A green shirt" "A green cloak" etc.

These were made and were a glitch back when AOS came out and were pretty rare these days. Unless I"m understanding his question wrong.


Yes, they are the green tagged items, i.e. Green Body Sash, Green Plain Dress, etc.


We were talking about "Green Tagged" clothing as well. If you cut it up it loses the "Green Tag", but retains any pigment color you used on it before you cut it.


Isn't the "neon" green cloth the same color as dryad green dyes? Or am I that color confused to think that? I thought it was identical.


There may be dryad green colored BOD cloth, I'm not sure as I dont mess with bods or the rewards often, but the color would have had to existed at the time of the error that caused clothing to be labeled "GREEn ____" in order for it to naturally be that color. Other wise it would have required the use of a tokuno pigment in order to achieve the color, as once you cut the article of clothing up it loses the "GREEN Tag"


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
on my shard i have full reward cloth colors that are labeled "green____" so how does that work? There is no tokuno colored fire colors

Is it worth more...


There is a dryad green colored reward cloth.

At the time of this bug, I think it was May of '03, it happened just over a month, I actually had vendors selling clothing made from reward cloth that ended up with the green tag on them. I think it was from leaving the kit set to 'barbed' when you made clothing. Anyways, they fixed the bug and I didn't realize till later that my clothes on the vendor (that weren't selling at all really) had the mis-lable. I threw em in a box and forgot about them till people discovered they were dyeable with ToTs. I gave a few pieces away to a guildmate who got his account banned a couple months later (the poop head), and I think I sold a robe, but mostly I've just added to the pile with idoc green tagged clothing from different tailors.

I find it hard to part with stuff like that, even tho it all sits in a box. I dress my characters like colorblind bums, and it's like pulling teeth to get me to decorate with any rares. Sad, ain't it?