Lord Gareth
UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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OkuC will be continuing its Wednesday event from the 8-10pm slot as it has been. We offer free furniture Crafting, Seeds, Enhancements, Repair Deeds, Skill Training, Shadow Elemental Pet Training, Free Golems, Blue beetles, fie beetles and Q&A for training etc.
The Crafters hall is located on the islands of Tokuno (Homare-Jima) right next to the moongate.
If you have any questions you can icq: 267944224
We had a great turn out this Wednesday despite the DW same exact thing and we will continue our Crafters event every Wednesday AT 8pm EST till whenever we decide to end. OkuC remain the premier Pure Crafters guild with training and Q&A for all of Chesapeake just as BF did in the past. We follow the same rules and regulations as those set before us to create a great crafting community. Not just a guild with a bunch of different classes in it, but one of pure crafting and between all of us pure crafters we can figure out anything crafter related wise.
So stop on by our City building in PaxOku and let us tend to all of your crafting needs.
The Crafters hall is located on the islands of Tokuno (Homare-Jima) right next to the moongate.
If you have any questions you can icq: 267944224
We had a great turn out this Wednesday despite the DW same exact thing and we will continue our Crafters event every Wednesday AT 8pm EST till whenever we decide to end. OkuC remain the premier Pure Crafters guild with training and Q&A for all of Chesapeake just as BF did in the past. We follow the same rules and regulations as those set before us to create a great crafting community. Not just a guild with a bunch of different classes in it, but one of pure crafting and between all of us pure crafters we can figure out anything crafter related wise.
So stop on by our City building in PaxOku and let us tend to all of your crafting needs.