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Patch Error i have no clue about. please help!



Trying to patch and I keep getting this error:

"the patch client encountered corruption in the file [base/unpacked/fba725ef4cf31c7a] on the remote server. Please try the patch operation again."

any ideas?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trying to patch and I keep getting this error:

"the patch client encountered corruption in the file [base/unpacked/fba725ef4cf31c7a] on the remote server. Please try the patch operation again."

any ideas?
Empty your patch folder, and start again - something got corrupted along the way.


I think the OP is using the Enhanced client and will probably find their patch folder *is* empty. If it is not, then by all means remove items in there and retry.

This error happens every so often with the EC patcher and simply repeated retries will eventually get it to work right. The record as I know it is 10 tries before it patched.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I demand a recount? I've been getting those errors for months, I can't install the EC client because of them I made the mistake of uninstalling to start over when it wouldn't patch.


So noted ... Petra is an exception due to her position on Stratics staff! <ducks for cover>

Actually I've come close to uninstalling EC as well but for some reason (perhaps self-abuse?) I keep it around. There are too many EC things I dislike ... but I believe everyone should try it all at least once!