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Parrying and Throwing


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Is parrying working as advertised with the throwing skill?

I don't seem to block with my shield when equipped with a throwing weapon. I have 115 swords and GM parry, along with 90 throwing.

Reference the uo.com playguide entry for throwing, using a shield will incur a defense chance penalty unless I have high parrying skill (how high?). It seems like the formula is a little more complex than the usual skill given that parrying, and swords affect HCI & DCI.

I really shouldn't be having trouble taking down an ettin with those skills, but i am.

Also, I have never gained parry when equipped with a throwing weapon and a shield, but gain parry as soon as I switch to a sword.


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Do you have Bushido? If you equip a shield with high bushido, your chance to block goes right in the crapper, regardless of what weapon type you are holding.

Stayin Alive,



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad that this skill was not put in complete and usefull.

When you have trouble with an ettin on a character that has a lot of skill.... Something is wrong.

Also you can not "equip last weapon" to switch between two throwing weapons.

Devs, PLEASE fix this skill.


I think I sent this in during open beta. I definitely complained about it on the survey they did !

I had made a gargoyle with

120 throwing
120 swords
120 anat
120 tactics
120 parry

She had trouble killing a mongbat. Seriously. I had thought that throwing was supposed to be the equivalent of archery, So i took the gargoyle to hunt Tsuki wolves, because I knew how my archer performed on them.

My archer at the time had

100 archery
94 or so tactics
98 or so anatomy

The gargoyle couldn't seem to do any damage to the tsuki wolves. She didn't do any damage with the throwing weapons when used in close combat. I had given her archery just because the dev's said that would work. She died repeatedly.

I gave up on throwing.


Seasoned Veteran
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Adding bushido and doffing the shield improves the blocking to where it should be. Perhaps the defense chance penalty for using a shield is a bit high.

As is, to effectively utilize throwing weapons in a warrior template 5 skills are required: Throwing, Swords, Parry, Bushido, and Tactics. Compare this to a regular melee which requires: Swords or Fencing, Tactics, and Parry. Now the advantage over archery is that one can block and attack at close range without switching weapons, also over melee you have a ranged attack ...

so maybe throwing is a worthwhile trade-off for the versatility.

The biggest problem now that I've accepted my template options are somewhat limited, is equipment. I hope Mythic figures out the balance issues on altering artis



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Adding bushido and doffing the shield improves the blocking to where it should be. Perhaps the defense chance penalty for using a shield is a bit high.

As is, to effectively utilize throwing weapons in a warrior template 5 skills are required: Throwing, Swords, Parry, Bushido, and Tactics. Compare this to a regular melee which requires: Swords or Fencing, Tactics, and Parry. Now the advantage over archery is that one can block and attack at close range without switching weapons, also over melee you have a ranged attack ...

so maybe throwing is a worthwhile trade-off for the versatility.

The biggest problem now that I've accepted my template options are somewhat limited, is equipment. I hope Mythic figures out the balance issues on altering artis

You need those 5 of those skills to hit things. How are you going to heal? Confidence doesn't work for me up against things that do 60 damage to me. Wouldn't anatomy help with damage?

Let me know if you can make an effective thrower and what skills are needed.

My attempt is already at skill cap and I am no where near 100 on anything.


120 throwing
120 Anat
110 resist
100 Healing
100 Tactics
100 Focus
70 Chiv


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
120 throwing
120 Anat
110 resist
100 Healing
100 Tactics
100 Focus
70 Chiv
You cant use a shield and you have penalties when standing too close.

Would work for an archer. But a thrower would have penalties.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well with throwing you could probably start with one of the following:

Necro Thrower
Necro/SS (160 skill)
100 SS
60(5?) necro for 100% BO and Pain Spike

Throwing Healer
Healing/Anat (162 skill)
81 Healing (with enhanced bandies)
81 Anat

Stealth Thrower
Stealth/Hiding (180 skill)
100 Hiding
80 Stealth

Pally Thrower
Chiv/Resist (180 skill)

With imbuing it is easier to get a good combination of +skill jewelery, so if you need some cap space there are possibilities.

See what suits you. That's the great thing about UO, no cookie cutter classes here.

I am having luck with the pally, though a vamp form garg looks sweet


A thrower is basically an archer that doesn't use ammo. Why add throwing to a swords and parry template?

It was probably meant as an imbuing template, whereby you add 30 skill points to eight items, giving an extra 240 points. That way you can end up with:

120 throwing
120 swords
120 parry
120 anat
120 tac
120 healing
120 focus
70 chiv
50 med

or any other 960 point template that you can think of.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
A thrower is basically an archer that doesn't use ammo. Why add throwing to a swords and parry template?
Gargoyle throwing has hci/dci penalties do to distance. a wep skill and parry help negate the penalties. The details can be found at uo.com in the player guide.


Yes Lefty, but only within two squares, so, like an archer, you don't get that close.

Unfortunately you can't add skill to armor (interesting idea though) so you would have to settle for 50 skillpoints each on a ring and bracelet, giving an extra 100 skill points but missing out on HCI.

I have a thrower, template as posted, and it works fine using it like an archer, although not quite as powerful due to the lack of green ring and headdress, and the multitude of fast, high damage slayers available.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
A thrower is basically an archer that doesn't use ammo. Why add throwing to a swords and parry template?
the link to the uo.com playguide is in my original post.

throwing works quite differently from archery. you need swords otherwise it will not be viable at short range. if you want it work at short range you probably want to be able to parry, but due to a penalty using a shield you also need Bushido.

the soul glaive with max SSI, hit spell, HCI/HLD is a formidable weapon.

I don't know how it will rank in terms of pure damage to the other skills, but throwing is a good combination of the existing melee and archery. I was skeptical when I first created my thrower, but now that I have the basic components down I definitely see quite a bit of potential with this build.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes Lefty, but only within two squares, so, like an archer, you don't get that close.
Within 4 squares is why you need swords, you can melee with a throwing weapon IF you have swords.

Also there is a penalty for holding a shield, so bushido is an important skill.

Again, explained in the playguide.

Sorry this skill doesn't fit in to your existing archery template, but throwing is not archery without ammo.

Zero Day

Holding a shield while throwing, give you sever penalties.

However if you're not using a shield then you have absolutely no reason to put parry on a throwing tempalte unless you're adding bushido too.