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paroxysmus swampdragon poofed after death/crash


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I would like to warn everyone that there is something terribly wrong with the ethereal mount, statue mounts. I died due to a crash last night on the SA enhanced client in the abyss. I was instantly thrown out of the game and could not get back in until this morning. For once this was not a problem with the game, it turns out, but had to do with the internet provider.

Same difference, i log in today to find my ghost at the spot that I died (what ever happened to the silver sappling seed I planted I will never know). I figured that 1) the dragon had wandered off and had been killed, or it did its usual thing upon quick logout/crash it autostables. So... I get rezzed at the silver sappling tree (by running there). Log out, and back in... No swampy... I think, maybe he is still alive, I recall to luna... no swampy... check the stable... no swampy... My 10 mil paroxysmus swamp dragon is gone... paged the GMs waiting for response... probably going to be a website... well, since I am not rich, I will have to bash monsters for 3 months before I can possibly get a new one... until then, my character is next to useless...


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This happened to me during TOT3 not too long ago. Log on after a crash the next day and my proxy is gone. It happens the odd time with anything tamed it appears. Remember too just because it is a statue at first once you release it you must feed it just like any other tamed pet. Until you get a new one just go tame a swamp dragon throw on some dragon barding and bond it and it works the same. Little more of a pain but will get you by till you can buy a new one. I'm sure if you ask nice enough some one one the boards will hook you up with one.


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Follow up:

I received the canned message. Basically, i was told to suck it up.

Well, I would argue that you all should be careful not die using any statue or ethereal mount until this bug gets resolved. So people be warned. You may just loose your 10 mil+ ethy or paroxysmus swampy.

and moreover, I WANT MY DRAGON BACK.


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This happened to me during TOT3 not too long ago. Log on after a crash the next day and my proxy is gone. It happens the odd time with anything tamed it appears. Remember too just because it is a statue at first once you release it you must feed it just like any other tamed pet. Until you get a new one just go tame a swamp dragon throw on some dragon barding and bond it and it works the same. Little more of a pain but will get you by till you can buy a new one. I'm sure if you ask nice enough some one one the boards will hook you up with one.
Thanks for the support. However, I would argue that your loss should not have happened either. These are not regular pets. I may have an old (hopefully bonded) swamp dragon in the stable and will use that for now. Saved for a long time though to get this paroxy one. Also, I am not the only one loosing their pets currently. I read a post of a guy who lost his polar bear yesterday. Moreover, there are multiple posts by the dev's on this topic that there is indeed a bug with these kind of mounts. click on the devs posts on the front page of uo.stratics and you will see what I mean. I think there is something seriously wrong.


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I sympathize with you. I lost my Paroxy Swampie at at Ilsh spawn a few months ago. Like you, it hurts to lose something that costs dearly. I too, called a GM, 3 times, and each time was told "We can't replace lost property" and 2 other similar reponses referring me to the help page. I was extremely angry also, even messaged Draconi on his personal Facebook page --- no answer of course. Friends told me that these mounts have a bug where if you are fighting something that casts spells, they cast dispel evil, and poof, gone. Sorry for your loss. And by the way, I was so upset by this, my 2 daughters bought me a new one - nice to have such sweet kids, made it seem a bit less traumatic.


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I sympathize with you. I lost my Paroxy Swampie at at Ilsh spawn a few months ago. Like you, it hurts to lose something that costs dearly. I too, called a GM, 3 times, and each time was told "We can't replace lost property" and 2 other similar reponses referring me to the help page. I was extremely angry also, even messaged Draconi on his personal Facebook page --- no answer of course. Friends told me that these mounts have a bug where if you are fighting something that casts spells, they cast dispel evil, and poof, gone. Sorry for your loss. And by the way, I was so upset by this, my 2 daughters bought me a new one - nice to have such sweet kids, made it seem a bit less traumatic.
Damn, I only have one little girl, and she is only 3. :) Thanks for the support!

I will get over it, but it is extremely annoying. Problem is that these dragons are so essential to the sampire playstyle.... anyhow... bags full of barding and lots of food for my regular swamp dragon will get me through i guess.

I do believe this is a bug though. Not happening often as these dragons are rare, and the event is apparently rare, but I think this still warrants a fix as they are so darn expensive.


Problem is that these dragons are so essential to the sampire playstyle....
Any sampire worth his salt is riding an armored, bonded swamp dragon, not a Paroxy swampy. There's an 8% difference in how much damage reduction the 2 give you.


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I would agree, of course. However, the problem with the normal swamp dragons is the loss of the barding at the most annoying points of a fight. In drawn out fights it has its pro's and con's I guess. The 8% defense difference is however somewhat noticeable, absolutely.

Now that I am back to the nl swampies, I decided I am going to specialize in getting paroxysmus myself. Any tips on taking him down solo, Conner? I read through the warrior forum, but could not figure out if any of the guys there did it since publish 56.

If I do get the statue, I might just sell it off to the next unexpecting soul like myself ;-)

By the way, 30 bronze hammers later, I still don't have my 30 SSI axe I have been trying for... Damn RNG...


Use Gtr Str pots and Gtr Refresh so you don't get one hit killed. You want as many hp's as you can get. Use GR to get your stam back up when you do get hit really hard so your leeching doesn't get interrupted. Back off when in danger, don't try to push a situation. That's about it.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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I would like to warn everyone that there is something terribly wrong with the ethereal mount, statue mounts. I died due to a crash last night on the SA enhanced client in the abyss. I was instantly thrown out of the game and could not get back in until this morning. For once this was not a problem with the game, it turns out, but had to do with the internet provider.

Same difference, i log in today to find my ghost at the spot that I died (what ever happened to the silver sappling seed I planted I will never know). I figured that 1) the dragon had wandered off and had been killed, or it did its usual thing upon quick logout/crash it autostables. So... I get rezzed at the silver sappling tree (by running there). Log out, and back in... No swampy... I think, maybe he is still alive, I recall to luna... no swampy... check the stable... no swampy... My 10 mil paroxysmus swamp dragon is gone... paged the GMs waiting for response... probably going to be a website... well, since I am not rich, I will have to bash monsters for 3 months before I can possibly get a new one... until then, my character is next to useless...
This isnt a bug at all.

You died, your pet (prolly died too) was alone alot of time so the swampy turns wild (lost its bonded state) and died.

You were not in a house/inn, so autostable doesnt apply here.


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This isnt a bug at all.

You died, your pet (prolly died too) was alone alot of time so the swampy turns wild (lost its bonded state) and died.

You were not in a house/inn, so autostable doesnt apply here.
This unhelpful nonsense. My paroxysmus dragon was dead instantly after I crashed in heavy spawn. My guild friend was standing next to me and saw it turn into a ghost. It stood by my body/ghost, while I was timing out. Ghosts don't go wild. Moreover, it should have been there when I was able to log back in the next day. In stead of spouting your mouth off you should read the rediculous number of posts on various pets and statue ethy's dissapearing of late. I won't get my stuff back, that is sort of par for the course when you get robbed.

Even if you were right, which I dispute strongly, a crash should be noticable serverside and these valuable losses can hence be prevented by disallowing pets to go wild if the datastream abruptly gets disrupted. This can never be abused as the going wild event can not be predicted. I was wronged, no question about it, and so have many others.

But don't worry. I will get over it and already have. Righteous people like yourself just bother the crap out of me.


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My other mount is very similar. It is a grizzled mare. Never fed him. Just checked. He is wonderfully happy. Wonder how that fits in the "he's gone wild" theory. In case you are wondering--- that pet is now stabled until this bug is fixed.