I would like to warn everyone that there is something terribly wrong with the ethereal mount, statue mounts. I died due to a crash last night on the SA enhanced client in the abyss. I was instantly thrown out of the game and could not get back in until this morning. For once this was not a problem with the game, it turns out, but had to do with the internet provider.
Same difference, i log in today to find my ghost at the spot that I died (what ever happened to the silver sappling seed I planted I will never know). I figured that 1) the dragon had wandered off and had been killed, or it did its usual thing upon quick logout/crash it autostables. So... I get rezzed at the silver sappling tree (by running there). Log out, and back in... No swampy... I think, maybe he is still alive, I recall to luna... no swampy... check the stable... no swampy... My 10 mil paroxysmus swamp dragon is gone... paged the GMs waiting for response... probably going to be a website... well, since I am not rich, I will have to bash monsters for 3 months before I can possibly get a new one... until then, my character is next to useless...
Same difference, i log in today to find my ghost at the spot that I died (what ever happened to the silver sappling seed I planted I will never know). I figured that 1) the dragon had wandered off and had been killed, or it did its usual thing upon quick logout/crash it autostables. So... I get rezzed at the silver sappling tree (by running there). Log out, and back in... No swampy... I think, maybe he is still alive, I recall to luna... no swampy... check the stable... no swampy... My 10 mil paroxysmus swamp dragon is gone... paged the GMs waiting for response... probably going to be a website... well, since I am not rich, I will have to bash monsters for 3 months before I can possibly get a new one... until then, my character is next to useless...