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(Player Event) Pardy fur da New EM abder der Thurzday ebent!!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Eberywunz inbited fur diz. Abder der ebent thurzday nite gunna hed ta Magincia Dockz fur Firewurkz, Cake n Booze!! Ip anywun wantz ta make booze wit der own mezzagez goo fur id. Alzo ip anywun habz firewurkz dey wood like ta blow ub feel free ta bring demz az well. Abder firewurkz ip wez hab enupp hummiez still der mite tozz sum white netz. Neber got uh mezzaj bak frum EM Jewelz sooo derz uh chanze wez iz juzt goin ta da dockz fur firewurkz fur nerg reazun n uh net tozz ;u) Hope ta c eberywun der!! Oooh n da EM ebent iz 9 est. Sooo ruffly we iz lewkin ad aboot 10 est er weneber idz ober!!