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(RP) Parchment for Lord Benito

  • Thread starter LynneOfMagincia
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


*Hasty but still legible the words trip across the page, excitement evident in their erratic sized scrawl. The faintest hint of sulfur around the crispy edges denote the sender as easily as a wax seal would. Metallic green of Verite smudges the top of the parchment.*

"My Dear Lord Benito,

There are a few matters on which I would like to speak with you. I will gladly provide a keg or two while we sit down and go over them. You can find me at the Horseshoe, the Zokalo or the rune library in Magincia as I am attempting to finish up its construction and decorations.

I look forward to speaking with you.


Lynne Zellinous
Magincian Council Member

*Neatly rolling it, she includes the seal even though she really does not need to and hands it to the seagull instructing it to take off for the Lost Land of Papua."


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*He finds the bird hopping from morsel to morsel of fallen food on the porch of the Just Inn, the band on its leg bears his name.*

*After reading the letter, he pulls from his robes a small pen and an inkwell in the shape of a tiny flask with which to write a simple response at the bottom of the page.*

"You will see me soon.

Drunken Friar"

*There is a drawing of a flagon of ale under his name, complete with foam overflowing and sliding down the side of the drinking vessel.*

*The letter, rolled tightly and returned to the band on the birds leg, is sent back to Magincia.*