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Paragon Valorite elementals


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i've been doing mining in ish just to get paragon elementals cause i just wanted to see how bad each of them are. To date i have yet to ever dig up a paragon valorite elemental and im starting to feel like they dont actually exsist. I know the regular valorite elementals are a thing but the paragon version are ellusive. That is the reason for this thread has any ever seen, fought or dug one of these up? If so do u have any screenshots or anything? I've asked around on my shard too and its always they know someone or they know someone who knows someone that killed one a long time ago or something like that. Just looking for some hard evidence that they actually exsist is all.

I also have this problem with the executioners in rock dungeon they are supposed to be able to go paragon and i havent seen that either. I havent camped executioners as much as i should tho so that might just be poor luck.

Any info on either or screenshots would be greatly appreciated thx


I Hate Skilling
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Try Spirituality with a garg axe and prospector tool. They exist. Go along the mountain on each side of the gate. You never run out of ore. I have not killed 1 as they appear when I do not want one. My miner shot one with the Valentines Arrow, so they are in love with her.


UO Forum Moderator
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I've fought a number over the years, in quest of the elusive chest. They are relatively rare, and yes, seem to only show up when you aren't looking for one.

To increase you chances, make sure you use both a prospector's tool and a Gargoyle's pickaxe, so that you can get val eles from any site naturally Agapite or better.
attempt an illegal dig (one that won't actually dig because of being mounted, etc.) with a regular digging tool to prime the ground for the prospector tool, so that you don't waste an unelevated use of a gargoyle pickaxe. For some reason, it counts those disqualified dig attempts as a "dig" for being able to use the Prospector tool.
The best places to hunt them are the Sacrifice/Spirituality areas, especially close enough to the Oaks spawn or Meer that you can have the paragon chase you into those areas. While you can't use pets or summons, WILD mobs that attack the ele under their own power will do damage, but doesn't count against your looting rights. IIRC, the first kill of a paragon Valorite reported on Stratics was by a miner who had the elemental chase him into an Oaks spawn that was already on 2nd or 3rd stage.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've fought a number over the years, in quest of the elusive chest. They are relatively rare, and yes, seem to only show up when you aren't looking for one.

To increase you chances, make sure you use both a prospector's tool and a Gargoyle's pickaxe, so that you can get val eles from any site naturally Agapite or better.
attempt an illegal dig (one that won't actually dig because of being mounted, etc.) with a regular digging tool to prime the ground for the prospector tool, so that you don't waste an unelevated use of a gargoyle pickaxe. For some reason, it counts those disqualified dig attempts as a "dig" for being able to use the Prospector tool.
The best places to hunt them are the Sacrifice/Spirituality areas, especially close enough to the Oaks spawn or Meer that you can have the paragon chase you into those areas. While you can't use pets or summons, WILD mobs that attack the ele under their own power will do damage, but doesn't count against your looting rights. IIRC, the first kill of a paragon Valorite reported on Stratics was by a miner who had the elemental chase him into an Oaks spawn that was already on 2nd or 3rd stage.
Never knew that, good tip!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i've been doing mining in ish just to get paragon elementals cause i just wanted to see how bad each of them are. To date i have yet to ever dig up a paragon valorite elemental and im starting to feel like they dont actually exsist. I know the regular valorite elementals are a thing but the paragon version are ellusive. That is the reason for this thread has any ever seen, fought or dug one of these up? If so do u have any screenshots or anything? I've asked around on my shard too and its always they know someone or they know someone who knows someone that killed one a long time ago or something like that. Just looking for some hard evidence that they actually exsist is all.

I also have this problem with the executioners in rock dungeon they are supposed to be able to go paragon and i havent seen that either. I havent camped executioners as much as i should tho so that might just be poor luck.

Any info on either or screenshots would be greatly appreciated thx
I went to ilsh and found 5 spots for a val elemental around the cu sidhe spawn. Popped 6 val eles so far but no paragon yet. Will try a few more cycles. Waiting for the respawn of the ore. Wish ore spawns lasted longer. Like 30 hits instead of a dozen. Its hard enough to find a spot but then its gone too quickly.

EDIT : Up to about 20-25 eles without a paragon. Good news is I've gotten alot of valorite. Did they increase the val spawns? I seem to find them very easily. Like 5 spots with in a screen or two.
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Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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Question do paragon Ore Elementals drop chests? It'd be cool to have a set! Sis has started do this on her miner and is having a blast!


UO Forum Moderator
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Question do paragon Ore Elementals drop chests? It'd be cool to have a set! Sis has started do this on her miner and is having a blast!
Yes they drop chests... (though you have to go into sorceror's dungeon to get DC eles to kill for chests)



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, took a few days to dig one up. No chest unfortunately. Not too hard to kill on a sampire with a little bit of healing and jousting. Took about 30 Val elementals before this one spawned.
