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[Buying] Paintings, posters, etc PLS look!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking for these, PM me for offers/trades whatnot.

A vision of the world of sosoria after the zombie apocolypse

A Tapestry Of The Void Chamber In The Labyrinth
Pilfered Painting
Have You Seen This Criminal? - Judge Julius Dryden - Reward: 500,000 Gold Pieces
Whitish Painting of some NPC name
Tattered Painting (small and large)
Painting (Siobhan Minos, Bard of Britannia) (1)
Painting (Toucan Sam, Court Bard) (1)
Painting (Wee Man, Court Bard) 2nd Place (1) (?)
Slashed Coveteous Painting
Kill On Sight - Sir Markham And His Gang. I Want'em Dead For Causin' Me Trouble! - Erikk
Fine Art Painting By Alberta Giacco
A Wanted Poster of Casca and His Enforcers
Burnt Portrait of Maya
A Portrait of Casca


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can help with location of a few.... I have two small tattered, one large tattered, a Casca and the Sio painting. Sorry, none of them are for sale.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can save ya the trouble of looking for the Painting (Toucan Sam, Court Bard) as well. Although I am always open to trade offers for other unique items. Oh and Manticore ownes Burnt painting of Maya, And Diablo ownes a small and large tattered as well. There is also another unique Large painting for 1st place home decoration contest from Oceana from years ago that is really nice. Think Isazi ownes it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Diablo seems to have already sold Tattered Painting (small and large).
In his house, the picture was not displayed at all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
still looking - some is out of reach but leaving em in for reference