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EM Event Paint the Town Orc


UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking into her cabinet,Grindy noticed she was very low on Mongbat Ears.
"Time to make a trip to Vesper to Provisioner's shop" she thought to herself." I'll check with Boric at the provisioners to see if the shipment of Mongbat ears I ordered has arrived."
Grindy arrived at the Provisioner's just in time to see Boric ushering a very angry Orc out of the shop.
"Git out wid ye!" he said as he pushed the squirming orc out the door,
"And keep ye filthy little fingers outtin the candy jar!"
Grindylow listened as the Orc turned and started yelling in obvious Orc-inese to Boric. Boric yelled back at the orc."That'll be the day you little...little...Creature!" The Orc spun around, shook his axe at Boric and stormed off in a huff.
"Oh my word..what was that all about Boric?", Grindylow asked.
"Hail and well Met Ms Grindylow" Boric said as he wiped his face with a old towel." Sorry ye had to witness that lass, but them dad blum Orc's has been comin in here for a week now..Stickin their grubby little fingers into all the jars, demandin' this..wantin' that and not payin' fer a dern thing!. Same thing happenin down at the Tailors next door! All over town really!"
Grindylow's eyes grew wide as Boric continued on speaking.
"Seems since there be no Governor in Vesper yet, the Orc's have decided to claim the town. I had heard they had approached the King, wanting to be able to decide things for the town even! O' course the King told 'em that he didn't think Vesper would prosper with a Orcish Governor, and in fact there were someone..*thinks*...Daena Targaryen..aye that's who...that had petitioned to be Governor there...Well it seems the Orc's ain't takin kindly to that. So's they been comin around every day to try and bully they way in! This here one that jest left..he said he was gonna get his orc-kin and attack the town and show us all who was bozz!"
"I didn't know you spoke Orcish Boric!", Grindylow said.
"Aye lass, learned it as a youth from those Orc's in the Fort at Yew. They were a more humble class back then.*shakes head*. Now they jest got the BIG head and want more n more!"
"Well lets hope nothing comes out of this Boric..I would hate to see Vesper attacked and taken over by anyone..more less Orcs!, she exclaimed.
Gathering her package of Mongbat ears, Grindylow headed out the door just in time to see Georgeanne ushering a yelling orc out the door.
Shaking her head, Grindylow continued up the road heading towards Minoc, pausing to pick up a bloodmoss here, a black pearl there. Never pass a good regeant was Grindylow's motto. (one of many *smiles*)
As she walked on, she saw a group of Orc's hard at work around a strange structure. Hiding behind a nearby tree, Grindy watched to see what was going on. The Orc's had dirt flying this way and that way shoveling hard as they could.There were boards and rocks being shored up by other Orcs. It seemed the orcs were digging a hole, but to where?
No sooner than that thought had went through Grindy's mind,she saw a Orc head pop out of the hole, then a orc climb out, then there was another..and another..until there was a whole army of orc's wandering around the structure. All dressed in battle gear and seemingly aggiated. They kept pointing towards the city of Vesper and yelling alot.
"Oh dear, If I only understood Orc!" she thought to herself."No matter I think I know what these orc's are up too! They plan on attacking Vesper!"
Taking off at a run, Grindylow went to alert the criers of a Call to Arms for the defense of Vesper.

Event: Paint the Town Orc

Time: 7pm PST

Date: 7/13/13

Meet: Grindylow at West Britain Bank