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Pacific PvP Is Still Alive!


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Had a fun 3 v 3 with RRR- tonight although there was some minor misunderstanding of rules, it was still a great fight.

There was a lot of fun runs in Yew as well.

Everybody else needs to get back in game and get out on the field, let's keep Pacific's PvP active!



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im seeing quite a few vets coming back, i been trying to help those i can, alot want to pvp, unfortunately not my strong suit anymore nor was it ever. if you guys can help in anyway lets get these vets up to speed and back in the field


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
good pics i wish i could take good pics like that unfortunatly i never kill anyone i still have fun though.. guess i just dont use all these new wacked out templates. oh well what ever happend to a good sword and a stout sheild or a sturdy bow or a mace.. ? now its well lol
wait balin of asgaurd left cd for kozi?
oh theres count dusk another EOTD drop out rofl "i wanna play with the cool kids"


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good pics i wish i could take good pics like that unfortunatly i never kill anyone i still have fun though.. guess i just dont use all these new wacked out templates. oh well what ever happend to a good sword and a stout sheild or a sturdy bow or a mace.. ? now its well lol
wait balin of asgaurd left cd for kozi?
oh theres count dusk another EOTD drop out rofl "i wanna play with the cool kids"
Bailian of Asgaurd is not in K@ZI.
[Pssst... it's KAZI. With an @, which start for at. Who knew it was so hard?]
Just because players change guilds when they play does not mean they're leaving their guild to "play with the cool kids". I left and old guild that I still have very good connections to because I wanted to start getting in to PVP and doing champ spawns and playing with some other friends of mine. Dusk did the same - he wanted to focus more on PVP than what EOTD had to offer.
There's no reason to feel embarrassed or angry because of that. People just change, Silverbow. You hardly play the game anymore anyways and have left Stymie to take charge of your guild. Just focus on those you have and those who are joining you and stop worrying about those who have moved on or have tried to find other parts of the game they didn't see in EOTD.


Seasoned Veteran
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See i showed Count Dusk what a spawn was how to get items how to fight off raids then he just goes and joins kozi because he wants to learn more about pvping rather than helping people in EOTD pick up new skills and gear them for pvp like he was helped by me. So yea basically hes just your typicall mooch but then again what can you expect. then he comes running to me how he raided eotd rofl like whoppee who hasnt raided eotd i mean just last night gol raided us 4 times. seriously though i let him use 4 or 5 banners for a house project that he never did and did i ever get those banners returned. nnooooooooooo i guess its to much to ask for someone whos in kozi to return something that was given for a project but never used geez its like the neighbors kid who used my fog machine for halloween and never returned it.. then you people brag about how you raid people and kill things how mighty. untill i see some banners returned in my mailbox its kozi to me. the screen shots are good though wish i was dead in some of em... you can kill me 100000 times but wont have my respect till my banners are returned. and of course respect and trust is what sets EOTD apart from the rest of pac muaaaaa its where the big boys play the high rollers the ones who make moves in rl and not just uo. a the little ones should stick with the suprs kozis and rrr or what ever guild there choosing to be this week rofl. stymies probably got more power in uo than all 3 of your guilds put together on his pinky finger. See the great thing about EOTD is that it will be a part of pac for the next 50 years ... see EOTD is stronger than FL ever was and why is this you may ask ? because FL is no longer and EOTD is ...


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See i showed Count Dusk what a spawn was how to get items how to fight off raids then he just goes and joins kozi because he wants to learn more about pvping rather than helping people in EOTD pick up new skills and gear them for pvp like he was helped by me. So yea basically hes just your typicall mooch but then again what can you expect. then he comes running to me how he raided eotd rofl like whoppee who hasnt raided eotd i mean just last night gol raided us 4 times. seriously though i let him use 4 or 5 banners for a house project that he never did and did i ever get those banners returned. nnooooooooooo i guess its to much to ask for someone whos in kozi to return something that was given for a project but never used geez its like the neighbors kid who used my fog machine for halloween and never returned it.. then you people brag about how you raid people and kill things how mighty. untill i see some banners returned in my mailbox its kozi to me. the screen shots are good though wish i was dead in some of em... you can kill me 100000 times but wont have my respect till my banners are returned. and of course respect and trust is what sets EOTD apart from the rest of pac muaaaaa its where the big boys play the high rollers the ones who make moves in rl and not just uo. a the little ones should stick with the suprs kozis and rrr or what ever guild there choosing to be this week rofl. stymies probably got more power in uo than all 3 of your guilds put together on his pinky finger. See the great thing about EOTD is that it will be a part of pac for the next 50 years ... see EOTD is stronger than FL ever was and why is this you may ask ? because FL is no longer and EOTD is ...
Aren't you a mature adult? I think you have some growing up to do...
You're holding jealous grudges like a 14 year old girl who's boyfriend broke up with her and met someone else.
No body in K@ZI is worried about EOTD. I don't really think anyone is. No one has anything against EOTD but you like playing a victim card I guess. :lame:
I don't know anything about what Dusk did in EOTD, and I don't really care. People come and go in Guilds and people generally don't hold anything against them - some people would rather join guilds that do better rather than constantly help newbies in the game. So you helped Dusk get better, isn't that what EOTD does? Besides, Stymie has sooooooo much power, so a few 120s and banners and pieces of equipment shouldn't hurt EOTD, right? None of us have your banners or care to have your banners, but I'm sure if you had asked a member in K@ZI to get those for you, we probably would have gotten them from Dusk when we saw him (which we rarely do, mind you). I have good friends in EOTD and would have gladly passed them along to you, Silverbow, or even given them to you myself.

Count Dusk

whats up count silverbow haha mad because i left and about the banners ill pay yu what they are worth.. thats no big deal.... let me tell u why i left though 1 becuz stymie thinks its his guild and if he dies he blames it on someone else and he just pisses people off ..2 the guild wasent doing anything anymore. but manly whyi left is becuz nobody wanted to do anthing anymore.. but i dont have ur banners ill pay u for wat there worth though


See the great thing about EOTD is that it will be a part of pac for the next 50 years ... see EOTD is stronger than FL ever was and why is this you may ask ? because FL is no longer and EOTD is ...
I'm going to make a suggestion here.
Get a Life.

The Bud.


See? This is the crap that makes this game funny. . .
I remember getting a whole rash of crap for leaving M to start SUPR. We were all called thankless traitors and the like. The only thing I ever had to say was
'its my game. I pay for it, and I'll play it any way I like.'

And you should. Nobody pays monthly to be bored. Loyalty begins with real friendship, and ends with real boredom.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See? This is the crap that makes this game funny. . .
I remember getting a whole rash of crap for leaving M to start SUPR. We were all called thankless traitors and the like. The only thing I ever had to say was
'its my game. I pay for it, and I'll play it any way I like.'

And you should. Nobody pays monthly to be bored. Loyalty begins with real friendship, and ends with real boredom.