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Pacific Auction House list for May 20, 2012

  • Thread starter PacificAuctionHouse
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  • Watchers 0


Come and join us for another fun auction!!!!

We are located North East of the Luna Moon Gate. The Auction starts at 1:00 PM Sunday Pacific time.

Huge Checks are given away as door prizes. You must be there to win.


Field Of Blades
Armor Of Fortune
City Banners!!!!
Vibrant Seagreen Pigment & Glossy Fuchsia Pigment

!!!!!!!!!!CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Alchemist's Bauble 50,000
Tome Of Enlightenment 50,000
Totem Of The Void 50,000
Rune Beetle Carapace 50,000
Breath Of The Dead 100,000

Swords Of Prosperity 100,000
Arcane Shield 25,000
Bone Crusher 10,000
Staff Of The Magi 50,000
Legacy Of The Dread Lord 50,000

Horned & Spined Bone Armor Set 50,000
Body Sash With INT 10 and 17 Cunning Charges 25,000
Ring with 63 Night Sight Charges 25,000
Sandals 5,000
3 Waterstained SOS 10,000

Voice Of The Fallen King 100,000
Gauntlets Of Nobility 50,000
Ornate Crown Of The Harrower 100,000
6 Pargon Chests 10,000
Armor Of Fortune 1,000,000

1,000 Diamonds Necklace 5,000
Old Tool Kit 25,000
17 Diamonds Weddingband 5,000
Error (TID): Token Out Of Range : 2 : 1060830 5,000
A Keg Of Red Liquid (51 stones) 5,000

A Whispering Rose From Some Idiot 100,000
Light Of The Winter Solace 50,000
Rubble Plant 50,000
Rubble Plant 50,000
Festive Cactus 50,000

Seeds 3,000,000
An Ultimate Scroll Of Power (+25 Maximum Stats) 3,000,000
Banner Of Skara Brae 500,000
Banner Of Skara Brae 500,000
Ornate Crown Of The Harrower 100,000

A Certificate Of Capture 200,000
2 Statues 400,000
5 Different Dread Pirate Hats 100,000
Corgul's Handbook On The Undead 300,000
Corgul's Handbook On The Mysticism 300,000

Vibrant Seagreen Pigment 6,000,000
Glossy Fuchsia Pigment 6,000,000
Banner Of Yew 1,000,000
Banner Of Moonglow 1,000,000
Banner Of Minoc 1,000,000

3.0 Fencing Scroll of Transcendence 1,000,000
Harrow 1,000,000
Corgul's Enchanted Sash 1,000,000
Banner Of New Magincia 500,000
Field Of Blades 20,000,000

Dawn's Music Box 100,000
Ricardo's Ancient Lamp 100,000
Empty Bucket 5,000,000
A Chessboard (GOLD) 1,000,000
A Flaming Head Deed 100,000

A Heritage Token 100,000
Horned Runic Sewing Kit (90 Uses) 100,000
A Clothing Bless Deed 100,000
20 Powders Of Fortifying 500,000
A Deed For A Cannon 500,000

Thanks From The Pacific Auction House
