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Pacific Auction House for March 25, 2012

  • Thread starter PacificAuctionHouse
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Check out the great items for today!!! We are located North East of the Luna Moon Gate on Pacific and we start the auction at 1:00 PM Pacific ~ 4:00 PM Eastern. Tons of HUGE door prizes.

Crimson Cinture blessed
Spirit of the Totem blessed
Jackal's Collar
An Albino Squirrel Imprisoned In A Crystal
Red Folded Dragon
White Grandfather Clock

!!!!!!!!!!CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Nice Full Spell Book (Damage Increase 18%) 5,000
Large Pewter Bowl 5,000
Small Forge (Light Green) 10,000
Water Trough (Light Green) 10,000
Anvil (Light Green) 10,000
Ophidian Knight Statue 50,000
Dawn's Music Box 10,000
Ophidian Archmage Statue 50,000
Ophidian Warrior Statue 50,000
Ophidian Mage Statue 50,000
Blessed Purple AOS Sandals 50,000
A Heart Blackened By Despise 50,000
Staff Of Pyros 50,000
2 Champagne Flutes 20,000
Felucca Moonstone 5,000
Blaze Hair Dye 750,000
Spirit of the Totem blessed 250,000
Crimson Cinture blessed 1,000,000
Jackal's Collar 100,000
Bracelet with +11 Veterianry 10,000
Pumice 5,000
Artic Death Dealer 5,000
Rubble Small Table 50,000
Blue Plain Rug Deed 25,000
"A Tool Kit Of Exceptional Quality" Exceptional 10,000
Flowerpot 50,000
White Grandfather Clock 50,000
Maple Tree Deed 100,000
Blessed Red AOS Sandals 50,000
Violet Courage 25,000
Night's Kiss 10,000
2 Deeds For A Decorative Shield Wall Hanging (4th Year Veteran Rewards) 100,000
1,000 Silver Coin 10,000
Hanging Axes Deed 50,000
7 Holiday Fireflies Deeds 25,000
A Green Glass Of Cider 25,000
Book - Speak 'sarcophagidae" in the Central Room of the Tomb 5,000
A Plate Decorated With A Beautiful Painting Of Mondain's Defeat 25,000
Halloween Guillotine 25,000
Wrath Of the Dryad 10,000
The Holy Sword 5,000
Black Cat Statuette 5,000
Rubble Rock 25,000
An Albino Squirrel Imprisoned In A Crystal 100,000
5 Rocks 10,000
Large Aquarium (east) 50,000
Melissa's Cloak 50,000
Pearl Necklace 50,000
Red Folded Dragon 50,000
Tattered Wall Map 50,000
A Legendary Scroll of Blacksmithing (120 Skill) 100,000
A Legendary Scroll of Tailoring (120 Skill) 100,000
A Legendary Scroll of Spellweaving (120 Skill) 100,000
Ruined Tapestry 50,000
Bamboo 50,000
A Legendary Scroll of Healing (120 Skill) 25,000
Mailbox 25,000
A Clothing Bless Deed 100,000
20 Powders Of Fortifying 500,000
Barbed Runic Sewing Kit with 100 uses 500,000

Thanks From The Pacific Auction House