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OVER Playing music.

  • Thread starter Crazy Fireball
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Crazy Fireball

Have you noticed that a lot of new songs are being CONSTANTLY overplayed on the radio? Its like - its a good song but come on, we dont want to hear it 60 time every HOUR!
LOL! Im just ranting about radios - do you think that everything is overplayed? I SOOO DO.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing new. It's always been like that. That's why I like my Sirius XM.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah! Our local radio station is "The Best Songs on The Radio..Blah Blah QKX". It's more like the "Best 4 songs on the Radio..Blah Blah QKX". It's torture when I'm in a car wash or somewhere I can't get signal on my XM Radio..lol I'll never go back to FM as long as they are in business. Sure they overplay some, but you've got at least the choice to change the channel. I now have the Elvis channel now since the merger, their is always Elvis!

Little Sadie

I love my XM. Doesn't seem to do that at all and choices are great.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh they do it, just not NEARLY as bad. Is there still a 20 on 20 since the merge? Cuz that station was TERRIBLE about repeating.

The station I listen to at work calls itself "Mix 101.7". Every day this "mix" is nothing but John Mayer, Pink, Gwen/No Doubt, and Matchbox 20/Rob Thomas.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh they do it, just not NEARLY as bad. Is there still a 20 on 20 since the merge? Cuz that station was TERRIBLE about repeating.
Yes they do. They say it's not the same 20 songs over and over, but in all reality it is. Sometimes they will throw in an older song, but then it's back to the same. I'll listen to it if I like a lot of the songs out, but if not I usually avoid it. Now they have the Morning Mash-Up morning show with those hacky radio hosts, I can't stand that.


All I need to say to this is iPod/iPod jack (actually mine's a generic, but it still works the same)! I listen to whatever I want all the time. I haven't listened to the radio in years!