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Outcast gargoyles



I was away for a couple of months; can anyone tell me what the fiction and/or intention behind these are? Do they have any interesting drops, like imbuing ingredients or something or maybe Are related to a quest? Or maybe just to add to the challenge of it all?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These are now related to the Gathering Proof or Gathering Evidence quests.

The quests can be accepted in the Royal City palace. Basically there are three outcast gargoyle spawns, each one with some outcasts and a rouser. Killing the rouser will randomly spawn a void manifestation. The void will drop a corrupted essense. Collect and return the essense for each of the three spawns to collect your quest reward.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
to answer your question, they pretty much just get in the way.. its also a new way to grief players that you don't like that are doing the spawns.. drag a few of them down into a spawn and it pretty much stops most players from soloing them.

they cast purge magic so sampires cant fight them very easy and they are very tough to kill more then one at a time.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have worked myself today thorugh the Gatherong Proof quest. It really took some time ...

If you meet some of the outcasts among another mini spawns, it doesnt necessarily need to be griev. You only need the rousers for the questing and depending on your luck, you might need a lot of them. (I was above 10 of them when my first void manifestation spawned.) It is more comfortable, if you lure the other outcasts away. But theres not much room in the abyss, so those would end up most of the time within a spawn.