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Out of curiosity, do 4 x 15 skill points rings/bracelets even exist ?


Always Present
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Has anyone ever gotten any of these or something that gets close to them ?

A ring or bracelet with 4 skills all maxed out to 15 points (60 points total per ring or bracelet).

Or one that got close ?


Grand Poobah
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They *could* exist, I believe. Or a ring/brace with 5 +15 skill mods. I don't think there's a limit on how many skills a piece of jewelry could. It's just astronomically unlikely that you'd ever get a piece of jewelry like that as a loot drop (especially one that has skills that actually work together).


I have a ring with about +56 skill points and a bracelet with around 47 skill points all that work in favor of one of my chars, it is possible to get 5 x 15 skill points on jewelery since it is technically possible to get a piece of jewelery with 5 props at max intensity, of course you would have to roll the RNG for 4 props, then for max intensity then hope they all come out to be a skill and on top of that wish they all come out to be complimenting skills. But the short answer is "yes"


Crazed Zealot
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I do have one ring with 5 skills on it, so it is, in theory, possible. But I only have a couple of 2x +15s, not even a 3x +15 (then again, I don't tend to hunt the best stuff).


Babbling Loonie
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Yup, they can exist. Magic loot can have a max of 5 properties, and the intensity of each of the properties is not affected by the other properties. So you can even have a 5x15 skill jewel.

I have 1 with 5 skills, all between 10 and 14. Unfortunately, only 2 of them actually complements each other (weapon skill and tactics I think), the other 2 properties are totally impossible to fit into a warrior template...


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Come SA, a 120 Artificer will theoritically be able to imbue a 5x 15% skill jewel, but such would be a very, very expensive proposition. P

If you settle for less than "perfection", then making a moderately Uber jewel will be feasible. I have several rings/bracelets with a single +15 skill and one or two complementary skills on it which I will imbue to match the desired char's template. One in particular I have is a Peace +15 ring with +13 Music , which I plan to imbue and add +12/+12/+12 disco/provo/magery or DCI.


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I remember sometime a dev stated, that skill bonuses are devided into several groups, and they will be added on jewels in following ways:
- One skill bonus will be chosen from a group.
- Multiple skill bonuses will not be chosen twice from the same group.

I don't remember how many groups are there, but since some people have accessories with 5 skill bonuses, they seem to be at least 5.


Always Present
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Come SA, a 120 Artificer will theoritically be able to imbue a 5x 15% skill jewel, but such would be a very, very expensive proposition. P

If you settle for less than "perfection", then making a moderately Uber jewel will be feasible. I have several rings/bracelets with a single +15 skill and one or two complementary skills on it which I will imbue to match the desired char's template. One in particular I have is a Peace +15 ring with +13 Music , which I plan to imbue and add +12/+12/+12 disco/provo/magery or DCI.

Why very expensive ?

What would an artificer need for such an inbuing ?


Crazed Zealot
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I did pick up a Ring from the Mel... what ever her name is special event (as well as letting a Crimson(?) apron stay on her corpse, the good news is a good person got it :) ).

This ring was found by my Peace Tamer, +15 to Animal Taming, +12 to Animal Lore, +13 to Music

It has a 5% LMC, 16% LRC, +3 Str and several other things I can not remember.


Why very expensive ?

What would an artificer need for such an inbuing ?
A slew of "hard" items to come by including but not limited to a number of peerless loot items, not to mention investing 120 skill points in the skill, plus you can not imbue the item with 100 intensity the first try, would take multiple imbuing sessions to get this done, on top of that fail = losing all the required items for attempting to imbue something. So we could say it would take quite a bit to get a ring with 5x100 intensity props, did I mention the higher the max intensity of the item the more likely you will fail?


UO Forum Moderator
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I remember sometime a dev stated, that skill bonuses are devided into several groups, and they will be added on jewels in following ways:
- One skill bonus will be chosen from a group.
- Multiple skill bonuses will not be chosen twice from the same group.

I don't remember how many groups are there, but since some people have accessories with 5 skill bonuses, they seem to be at least 5.
A reconstruction of that post (since we can't find the original), is over on the Players Corner forum....


Lore Master
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pops noww if active playing farm tokono drops starting in am, then that will give u cash base for further gains in equipment!!!!!!!!!!! easy gold balanceing this game has had similar since near start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why very expensive ?

What would an artificer need for such an inbuing ?


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OK, I've found it. But they didn't clarify what skill is in which group at that time:

FoF: February 15, 2008

"When I'm crafting an item with a runic tool, do all properties have an equal chance of being used??"

Not necessarily - some properties are more common than others, and it depends on the type of item. Here's a general overview of the weighting:

* Shields and wands - all properties have an equal chance to be rolled
* Fishing poles - Spell Channelling is twice as common as everything else; all others are equal
* Jewelry - All properties are equal, with two exceptions: Night Sight is quite rare, and skill bonuses are grouped - see the note below.
* Talismans: Slayer, Crating bonus, crafting exceptional bonus, and creature resists are all weighted equally - all others are substantially more rare.
* Melee weapons - DI is quite common, HLA is uncommon, Hit Area is quite rare - all others are equal
* Missile weapons - Same as melee, except DCI is quite rare as well.
* Armor (non-elf) - Night Sight is uncommon and hp regen and stamina regen are rare; all others are equal
* Elf armor - as above, except night sight isn’t even an option

Property "groups": Certain types of properties are rolled as a group - slayers and creature resists on talismans are rolled for as a property, and then the sub-type is rolled. All the references to them above refer to the chances of these types being rolled as a group - any specific element of the group will of course be much more rare. This also means that you can't get, say, more than one slayer type on a particular item.

Elemental resists are slightly different - the math works out such that rolling any resist is the same chance as rolling another of the "regular" properties, but they are actually treated as five separate properties - so you can roll bonuses to more than one resist on a single item.

Skill bonuses on jewelry are a little bit different - the available skills are divided up into five groups of five or six skills apiece and then the subtype is rolled. It's possible to get more than one skill bonus, because they actually are treated like five different properties.


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There was a Dev post sometime around the release of SE that gave the 5 skill groups

Dermott of LS

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I have seen 4 and 5 skill jewelry as loot, however getting one maxxed out at +15 per skill is going to be INSANELY improbable (possible /= probable) and having them be ALL 5 skills that your character uses even less probable.


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Thanks for your info.

Oct.11 2004(I don't know who this is):
Ah, Hah! I found the problem.

We have 5 different skill groups that can be chosen as random magic item properties.

4 of these 5 skill groups had the same 'weight' (i.e., 100) for determining which skill group gets chosen. However, the group with the following skills in it, had a typo in their weight (i.e., only 1). Swordsmanship, Musicianship, Magery, Fencing, Mace Fighting. So needless to say, yes, these skills still spawn on jewelry, but a 100 times more rare than the other skills.

This probably happened when we were redistributing item properties during publish 26. This has now been corrected internally and should make it in publish 28 (barring any unforeseen circumstances, of course).

Thanks for the heads up on this everyone!
Not all skills in all groups.


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I think that was Mr. Tact that posted that. Within the following year, he (or another dev) posted all the skills in the 5 groups, in the process of showing where Bushido and Ninjitsu would fall into the Jewelry groups.

Based on that info, and the fact that the 5 skill groups will always maintain their order, when two or more fall onto the same item, I was able to reconstruct the groupings using my personal jewelry stash and my jewelry vendors.

Jewelry Skill groups break down as follows:

Group 1: Archery, Peacemaking, Healing, Resist Spells, Ninjitsu, Chivalry
Group 2: Bushido, Veterinary, Anatomy, Eval Int, Necromancy, Stealing
Group 3: Disco, Parry, Stealth, Med, Focus, Animal Lore
Group 4: Provo, Taming, Tactics, Spirit Speak, Wrestling
Group 5: Magery, Musicianship, Swords, Fencing, Macing

The other skills don't occur on jewelry.


Slightly Crazed
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I have a great bard ring, it has;

Music +15
Provoke +15
Discord +15
Eval +12
Focus +6

Got it off the Dark Father, so you could have them all +15 if your very lucky. I put this ring on my vendor for 5mil. It stayed there for about 3 months, now it's in my house on display if anyone wants to see it. It is no longer forsale!!

I had another one with;

12 eval
14 HCI
14 DCI
10 SDI
20 DI

Got it off the DF also. I gave this one to a friend after trying to sell on the west coast trade forums. I had 0 offers again.
